Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 045 - 064
Article Info
Accepted: 05/07/2022
Corresponding Author: (*) petr.trahor[email protected]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48088/ejg.p.tra.
Conceptual mapping of geography textbook content on the
example of the desert biome
Petr Trahorsch
, Jan Daniel Bláha
, Kristýna Ryčlová
Jan Evangelista Purkyně
University in Ústí nad Labem,
Geography textbook,
textbook analysis,
conceptual mapping
The aim of this study is to identify the key terms used by textbook authors when
presenting desert biomes and, subsequently, to visualise the relationships between them
using a conceptual map. To achieve this objective, we assessed geography textbooks
using conceptual maps, which can be used to conceptualise this topic. The method used
is innovative in textbook research and can be used to present results in a visual form
with added value. A total of eleven university students created conceptual maps for each
of the five analysed textbooks, and this was followed by a synthesis and comparison of
the created maps. The effectiveness and clarity of the analysed content is one of the
advantages of this visual form of analysis. The data were analysed qualitatively and
quantitatively. The results show that the presentation of desert biomes in the textbooks
we analysed is somewhat superficial, as the authors do not strive to interconnect
concepts from different areas, and their conceptual maps lack higher hierarchy levels.
Therefore, textbook authors should opt for a different conceptual approach to
explanatory texts instead of the traditional coverage of the individual components of
geographical environments.
- The structures of Czech geographical textbooks are based on outmoded content-based approaches
-The text in textbooks shows little potential for the development of systems thinking
-In some cases, textbooks contain stereotyping cases of curriculum presentation
-Text don't connect concepts from different fields, their concept maps have a low hierarchical level
The publication of the European Journal of Geography (EJG) (http://eurogeojournal.eu/) is based on the European Association of Geographers’ goal to make European
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Submissions are encouraged to have a European dimension. The European Journal of Geography is a peer-reviewed open access journal and is published quarterly.
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published quarterly
Editor: Dr Panos Manetos,
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The concept of geography education has changed significantly over the last few years. A
departure from presentation of factographic syllabi (such as Marada et al., 2017; NCGE, 2012,
etc.) is becoming apparent in the curricular documents of some countries, and greater
emphasis is placed on relationships and context in space and time, as well as the mutual
interaction between the natural and socio-economic spheres. Furthermore, curriculum content
focuses on key (geographic) concepts (Maude, 2020). Instead of acquiring the knowledge of
specific factographic data, students are expected to understand and interpret these data
correctly and seek the causes and consequences of natural and socio-economic phenomena
and processes. These changes in the approach to geographic education are necessarily
reflected in the didactic aids used in geography learning and teaching and, by extension, in
geography textbooks, as these are the most commonly used didactic aids, which users see
as key prerequisites for teaching geography (Esteves, 2019).
Although research on geography textbooks is currently rather sparse, one of its major
drawbacks is its non-innovative framing (Kidman & Papadimitriou, 2012; Bagoly-Simó, 2019).
Some authors point to the insufficient theoretical volume of this area of research. The non-
innovative use of textbook research is another problem (Bagoly-Simó, 2018; Bock, 2018). The
current specialised research of textbooks places emphasis, among other aspects, on the
analysis of textbooks in relation to the objectives of the specific study, with the authors
examining the historical or socio-cultural context of the selected subject matter (Jennings,
2006; Sidorov, 2009; Cain, 2015; and others). The problematic implementation of the research
findings and conclusions in textbook revisions is a further major shortcoming of specialised
didactic research (compare with Lee & Catling, 2017). Textbook research currently does not
reflect new pedagogical or psychological directions in education (such as constructivism,
conceptual change issues, system thinking, etc. see, for example: Vosniadou, 2013;
Reinfried et al., 2015, Cox, 2018). The introduction of major innovations in textbook production
cannot be expected if the concept of textbook research remains rigid (compare Kučerová,
Kučera, & Novotná, 2018).
Pedagogical constructivism is one of the trends that has gained in strength in geographic
learning and teaching over the last few years (Driver, 198; Lane, 2008; Reinfried et al., 2015).
Unlike the traditional concept, this method of teaching places emphasis on students’ activity
in the educational process, the presentation of specific curricula, and the relationships
between key concepts in curriculum content (Lane, Carter, & Bourke, 2019). Constructivism
in tuition strives to build on students’ previous knowledge and experience and to confront
students with the latest, albeit didactically restructured, scientific knowledge (Fosnot, 2013).
Studies have shown that teaching based on constructivism is more effective, as students are
able to master curriculum content more effectively and permanently, successfully apply the
knowledge gained, and seek relationships and connections between individual curriculum
topics. Moreover, students enjoy this type of learning much more (Pine, Messer, & St. John,
2001; Reinfried, 2006). Unfortunately, specialised research has so far failed to address
whether textbooks apply constructivist approaches to tuition. Over the last few years, attention
has been paid mainly to the assessment of actual tuition through observation and video
studies, including questionnaires or didactic tests (e.g., Reinfried et al., 2015; Lorenz, Roth, &
Priese, 2017). Geography education can be viewed as a single, coherent subject, including
didactic aids (comp. Bagoly-Simó, 2013; Lorenz, Roth, & Priese, 2017; Trahorsch & Bláha,
2019). This is why the presentation of topics in textbooks in connection with the current
psychodidactic aspects of geography education, not only with regard to the current historical
and sociocultural context of textbook content, also needs to be studied.
Research using conceptual mapping is an effective approach to the examination of the
relationships between phenomena. This method is very often used to identify the structure of
the knowledge of a specific respondent through research projects based on the theoretical
grounds referred to above (e,g. pedagogical constructivism; Novak & Gowin, 1984). Typically,
the aim of the research is to identify children’s conception of the relevant phenomenon; in
other words, how the individual student perceives, understands, and interprets the relevant
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phenomenon (Wandersee, 1990; Wehry et al., 2012); in geographical education, this method
is used as a tool to measure or develop systems thinking (Cox, Elen, & Steegen, 2019).
Systems thinking defined Arnold and Wade (2015, p. 675) as a set of synergetic, analytical
skills used to improve the capability of identifying and understanding systems, predicting their
behavior, and devising modifications to them in order to produce desired effects. The
conceptual mapping method commonly supplements an interview with the respondents,
helping to identify the relationships and connections between key terms used by the individual
to define and specify the studied phenomenon and visualise these relationships in a mental
model (Doulík & Škoda, 2008). This method is applied in the analysis of textbook content
rather sporadically (compare Soyibo, 1995; Wu, Lee, & Lai, 2004). The application of
conceptual mapping in the research on or assessment of geography textbooks can provide
rather different outcomes compared to the conventional content analysis of texts (for example,
the connections between the individual components of the geographical environment).
Therefore, we propose the following research question: What concepts do textbook authors
choose for the presentation of phenomena, and which relationships and connections do these
concepts reveal? The desert biome is the phenomenon we will use in order to answer this
research question. This phenomenon was selected due to (1) the potential complexity of
presentation of the desert biome in textbooks; (2) the background provided in previous studies
examining children’s conception of the desert and the consequent options for comparing
textbook content with students’ actual conception of deserts; (3) the integration of this topic in
the curriculum content in different parts of the world.
The aims of this study are to analyse the content of chapters dealing with the topic of
deserts in geography textbooks for lower secondary education and to identify the structure of
and relationships between key terms selected by textbook authors for the presentation of the
relevant topic. The achievement of this objective may provide information on how textbook
authors reflect on the current state of knowledge in specialised didactic research, and whether
they place sufficient emphasis on relationships and connections between key terms in their
2.1 Theoretical basis for conceptual mapping of the content of geography
This study is based on the theoretical framework of the curriculum (including textbooks) in
systems theory in (geography) education and the theory of conceptual change. These theories
support the relevance of the application of the conceptual mapping method to the analysis of
textbooks and, especially, to the educational and scientific consequences of the data obtained.
The study uses the term ’key term’ for first-order concepts (such as groundwater,
temperatures, camels etc.). ’Key term’ is used for this group of concepts to avoid confusion
with other categories (see below). Conversely, the term ’key concept’ (or ’big idea’) normally
refers to (abstract) second-order concepts (such as place / space, scale, system etc.). The
study does not explicitly work with these terms, but based on our results, it is possible to
deduce some outputs in relation to key concepts (e.g., the presentation of the environment).
Nevertheless, it is necessary to define these key concepts, as their clear definition provides a
framework for modern geographical education. Fögele (2016) defines key concepts as
structured and interconnected ideas, theories, and explanatory models that emerge from the
structure of a subject to describe basic subject-specific processes and phenomena. Key
concepts should be at the top of the hierarchy, abstract, sufficiently general, and applicable to
the various thematic areas of geography (Maude, 2020). They should be applied in the
creation and revision of curricula, and, therefore, textbooks. Otherwise, conventional and rigid
curricula may emerge, and science may become separated from primary education. Taylor
(2008) and Fögele (2016) provide an overview of key geographical concepts by various
authors. The Czech curriculum, on which this study is based, defines six key concepts
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(Marada et al., 2017), place and region, location, development, interactions, scale, and
distribution, as well as their interrelationships.
In the literature, there are several references to the concept of powerful knowledge. The
author of this concept is M. Young (2009), a sociologist of education. The term refers to field-
specific knowledge, which is the basis for understanding the content of a field, which students
do not acquire at home, at work, or at school, but through a degree of acquired experience
(Roberts, 2014). This knowledge equips students with orientation in their field, helping them
to design cognitive procedures, consider logical alternatives, etc. (Maude, 2019). In Young's
study, he refers to the work of Vygotsky (1962), who described the notion of the development
of spontaneous and scientific concepts. Although both Young and Vygotsky address different
concepts in education, Vygotsky focuses on the development of mental models, while Young
focuses on how knowledge of the curriculum can be theorized (Roberts, 2014). Both
approaches are applied in this study, as the conceptual mapping of textbook content
determines, to some extent, the structure of concepts in the curriculum (textbook), while, on
the other hand, it has the potential to reveal the structure in which the presented concepts are
learned by students.
In addition to the issues of key concepts in geography and powerful knowledge, conceptual
mapping is based on the theory of systems thinking. It refers to the cognitive ability to think in
context, to construct causal diagrams, and to relate individual concepts (Cox, Elen, & Steegen,
2019). Because conceptual mapping places different concepts in context and creates a
coherent whole from them, it supports systems thinking (Hmelo-Silver et al., 2017). The
systems concept of geographical thinking is also reflected in other concepts, such as system
competence (Rempfler & Uphues, 2012) or geospatial thinking (Favier & van der Schee,
2014). The presentation of concepts through a conceptual map can provide information on
which system is chosen for the presentation of a given curriculum. Moreover, the results of
conceptual mapping can, to some extent, measure the level of support for systems thinking,
as conceptual maps are very often used in the development of this cognitive skill (Cox, Elen,
& Steegen, 2019). It should be added that since systems thinking supports the understanding
of basic geographical concepts, even the appropriate presentation of the results of conceptual
mapping can identify a certain system of strengths and weaknesses in the presentation of a
curriculum. Cox’s study (2018), which primarily focuses on the concepts involved in teaching
geography and the teaching methods used, including the application of conceptual mapping,
shows that one of the factors in the development of systems thinking is curriculum content.
In contrast to the above theories, the theory of conceptual change is focused directly on
the student. This theory emphasises the gradual transformation of children's concepts and
misconceptions in the desired direction, i.e., it eliminates misconceptions and brings thinking
closer to current scientific knowledge (Vosniadou, 2013). Conceptual mapping very often
actively used in research, as it has the potential to identify the structures of partial terms
(Doulík & Škoda, 2008; Strommen, 1995; Rey-Goyeneche & Alexander, 2021). However,
even textbooks can cause misconceptions due to the stereotyping of content, excessive
generalisation (Testa, Leccia, & Puddu, 2014), professional errors in the text (King, 2010), and
graphical representations (Trahorsch, 2022). The conceptual mapping of textbook content can
thus identify potential sources of misconceptions and ground teaching preparation based on
constructivism and internal cognitive conflict, which eliminates the emergence, development,
and number of misconceptions based on empirical evidence (Limón, 2001; Smith, diSessa, &
Roschelle, 1993). Textbooks that use constructivism as a source of knowledge can encourage
students to develop more accurate ideas about geographical phenomena, although it is
necessary for the content of textbooks to be in line with current trends in geographical
education and scientific knowledge.
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2.2 Current state of knowledge, with a focus on misconceptions about and
textbook research on deserts
As the conceptual mapping method is applied to the desert biome in this study, which is based
on the theoretical background to the development of children’s conceptions and
misconceptions, it is essential to describe the current state of knowledge in the research ion
the perception of deserts by lower-secondary-school students and the research on biomes in
textbooks. Lower-secondary-school pupils understand deserts as vast, dry, and hot areas
covered by sand (Dove, 1999; Schubert, 2014; Schubert & Wrenger, 2016). Students do not
take into account different top layers in deserts (stone, gravel) or various types of deserts in
different climatic zones (such as polar deserts). They mostly locate deserts in Africa (Schubert,
2014). They see wind as the main geomorphological factor, as it shifts sand and contributes
to the creation of deserts, along with ocean activity (Schubert & Wrenger, 2016). Camels and
cactuses are seen as the typical biota of deserts, although students are unable to place them
in the correct region (Trahorsch & Trhlíková, 2021). Desertification as a key problem
associated with deserts is linked to natural and anthropogenic factors; pupils overestimate
natural factors over anthropogenic ones (Schubert, 2015). Although the authors of the studies
conducted so far associate these outcomes with, for example, the content of didactic aids
(e.g., photographs in textbooks), these misconceptions are primarily linked to students’
excessive generalisation of their own experience and information from the media (see also
Rye, 2013).
The research on biomes in textbooks is sporadic in focus. Behnke (2016) examined the
design of textbooks in relation to student learning, using the example of biomes. Textbook
design (the arrangement of text, visuals, and other elements of textbook content) appears to
be a crucial factor for effective learning. Trahorsch and Trhlíková (2021) analysed the content
of geography textbooks with a focus on biomes, monitoring which topics were presented by
textbook authors and which were not. According to this analysis, the authors of geography
textbooks primarily focus on physical and geographical phenomena, while socio-geographical
phenomena are presented sporadically. Furthermore, traditional interpretations of the
curriculum predominate. Maude and Caldis (2019) evaluated textbooks in relation to powerful
knowledge and the proposed structure of a biomass lesson; the authors state that to a
relatively minor extent, the textbooks support the systemic concept of geography and are
considerably reserved about the presentation of powerful knowledge. Other, non-specific,
studies point out that the physical-geographical content of textbooks in particular may be the
cause of pupils' perceptions. For example, King (2010) draws attention to a number of
simplistic claims regarding the geological composition of particular regions and the extraction
of minerals; furthermore, Bozkurt (2019) draws attention to the proliferation of a simplistic
concept of climate change, which also affects the desert. Thus, in general, textbooks are a
possible source of misconceptions and, currently, do not allow a fundamental increase in the
effectiveness of students' learning.
This study can be classified under the analysis of curriculum content, specifically under
textbook analysis (Okeeffe, 2013). The study aims to identify the key terms selected by
textbook authors for the presentation of the desert biome and subsequently use conceptual
maps to visualise the relationships between them. The outcomes are interpreted through a
comparison between the conceptual maps of individual textbooks and a synthesis of the
resulting data.
3.1 Research sample
The research sample consisted of five Czech geography textbooks for lower secondary
schools (for students aged approximately 1112 yearssee table 1), which are in print at the
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time of writing. All the textbooks were approved by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports for use in lower secondary schools, as this is one of the main prerequisites for their
use in Czech schools. The criteria for selecting the textbooks were, in addition to the award of
the Clause, topicality (the age of the textbook at the time of evaluation up to 10 years from
publication), and their active use in the teaching of geography in the Czech Republic. Another
criterion was the thematic focus of the textbook on physical geography, as the topic of deserts
is taught in the Czech curriculum within this unit. Each of the evaluated textbooks had to be
published by a different publisher, and, therefore, the authors of each title had to be different.
Attention was only paid to the respective chapters dealing with the desert biome in the selected
Table 1. Overview of the analysed textbooks and specification of the analysed chapters
in the text
Textbook quotation and
Number of
words in
Number of
in chapter
Textbook A
Červený et al. (2013, pp. 60–61)
Textbook B
Nakladatelství ČGS
Červinka & Tampír (2015, pp.
Textbook C
Nová škola
Chalupa & Cimala (2017, p. 101
Textbook D
Demek & Voženílek (2019, p.
Textbook E
Státní pedagogické
Demek et al. (2019, pp. 7677)
A total of 11 assessors were asked to create a conceptual map for each of the five textbooks
for the analysis of their text. The assessors were pre-service geography teachers, who were
trained according to the guidelines listed in the next section of this chapter. This choice can
be explained by the specialized qualifications of assessors in their field, including the future
use of textbooks.
3.2 Principles and process of text analysis
The method of conceptual mapping was used for the analysis of textbooks. Conceptual
mapping is a method involving identification of the structure of knowledge in selected
individuals (Novak & Gowin, 1984). The concepts (terms), mostly indicated in a conceptual
map in a bubble or a rectangle, are the basic elements of conceptual maps; these concepts
are connected by a link that shows the relationship between them (Rebich & Gautier, 2005;
West et al., 2000). Conceptual maps can also be seen as instruments for analysing the content
of communication (compare with Freeman & Jessup, 2004). This method can be used to
identify the structure of key terms in text communication. The content-analysis method does
not focus on specific individuals (research subjects);; instead, it is used to study different
communications, such as text or its analysis through didactic aids (Sidorov, 2009; Bagoly-
Simó, 2013; Kučerová, Kučera, & Novotná, 2018). Conceptual mapping can therefore be
applied with success to the analysis of the use of terms in textbooks or in selected parts of
textbooks. Unlike conventional text analysis, conceptual mapping can identify effectively and
then visualise key terms from textbooks that structure their chapters and make them
comprehensible. Moreover, the outcomes of textbook analysis using conceptual mapping can
inform us as to how the authorities in a given field, i.e., textbook authors, view the relevant
topics (Lee & Catling, 2017).
The process of conceptual-map creation presented below was based on the analysis of the
selected texts and any visuals they included, as well as the structuring of the texts into
subchapters and paragraphs (see below). In the analysis of the selected texts, which was the
basis of the conceptual map creation, assessors strived to identify the key terms (first-order
concepts; see chapter 2.1) important for structuring of the chapter and understanding the
meaning of the message conveyed in the presentation text. Attention was also paid to
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relationships in which the key terms were arranged by the authors of individual textbooks. The
analysis did not take into account any study tasks, marginals, additional text, or titles provided
for visuals, as these parts of textbooks are not essential for structuring of the main message
conveyed in chapters; the content of the visuals was analysed in a quantitative analysis,
because the methodology used in this study encourages this approach (e.g. D’Antoni, Zipp
and Olson, 2009). The assessors were instructed to be as specific as possible when creating
the conceptual maps, i.e., to state specific terms (such as specific examples of phenomena
and processes) they identified directly in the text when creating their maps.
When creating concept maps, the evaluators were invited to focus on the content of the
textbooks rather than their own ideas. The aim was ensure that the conceptual maps from
individual assessors were as similar as possible in order to facilitate the interpretation of the
data obtained and specify the curriculum structure; in addition, this measure was also applied
to increase the objectiveness of the analysis.
Prior to beginning their analysis, the assessors were informed about the process of
analysis, its meaning ,and the theoretical background of conceptual mapping. Each of the
assessors received the key principles of analysis listed in this part of the study before
analysing the texts and creating the conceptual maps for each of the five textbooks. Each of
the assessors created their conceptual map independently, without cooperating with other
assessors. The inclusion of a relatively high number of assessors was intended to reduce
subjective nature of conceptual-map creation from the relevant textbook and increase the
objectiveness of the analysis; for example, assessors may have interpreted the text in the
textbooks differently from their colleagues and, thus, they may have identified different key
terms or different relationships between them.
Text analysis and conceptual-map creation consisted of several stages. In the first stage,
the assessors read entire chapters and gained insights into the structure of the text (primary
analysis of the chapter text). In the second stage, the conceptual maps were gradually created,
i.e., the key terms and the relationships between them were identified and then plotted in the
conceptual map. The third stage involved potential revisions of the created conceptual maps
or their clarification (a revision analysis of the chapter text). The aim of this procedure was to
eliminate the creation of accidental connections between the key terms and to prompt self-
reflection of the analysis from the assessors (see figure 1).
Figure 1. Diagram of the analysis of presentation text in textbooks
3.3 Processing the obtained data
After the conceptual maps were received from all 11 assessors, synthesis of the conceptual
maps for each of the textbooks followed. This synthesis was performed by two cooperating
assessors, who discussed every connection and verified it in the textbooks. Their activity
resulted in the creation of five aggregated conceptual maps (one conceptual map for each of
the textbooks). These aggregations are net structures of conceptual maps from the point of
view of conceptual-map typology, as this type has the potential to visualise the relationships
between key terms much more clearly than other types of conceptual map, such as chain-
structure or spoken-structure conceptual maps (Kinchin & Hay, 2000).
Reading the
whole chapter
in the textbook
Identification of
key terms
of key terms
into the first
version of
conceptual map
Revision of the
conceptual map
and its final
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The analysis of the aggregated conceptual maps was conducted on qualitative and
quantitative levels. In addition to the specialised geographic aspects of concepts in conceptual
maps, the qualitative analysis also studied identical and differing elements of the conceptual
maps across the analysed textbooks. The aims of the qualitative analysis were to identify the
prevailing presentation of desert biomes in textbooks and to identify specific positive and
negative aspects of the presentation of this topic.
The methodology for the quantitative analysis was adopted and modified from the studies
by D’Antoni, Zipp, and Olson (2009) and West et al. (2002). When analysing conceptual maps,
these authors assigned scores for the following criteria: concept link (two points), cross link
(ten points), hierarchy (five points), example (one point), invalid or erroneous content (zero
points), image (five points), and colour (five points). As this study focused on the analysis of
the text in textbooks rather than conceptual maps devised by students, not all of the categories
listed above could be applied (for example, colours could not be evaluated, as they were not
apparent from the presentation text).
The following scoring system was therefore applied:
Concept links: Two points were assigned for each link between identified concepts;
Crosslinks: Ten points were assigned for each link demonstrating relationships
between various geographical components (such as the relationship between the
climatic zone and economic activities in the region);
Hierarchies: Five points were assigned for each level of the conceptual map;
Examples: One point was assigned for each example provided;
Visuals: Five points were assigned for each concept that included a visual.
This scoring system is based on the level of elaboration of the concepts within a specific
phenomenon, which, in this case, was deserts. The final number, indicating the overall score
of a specific conceptual map, was the outcome of the data processed in this manner. A higher
score indicated a higher level of elaboration of the monitored phenomenon and, therefore, a
higher level of complexity of the relevant conceptual map. The quantitative analysis only
supplemented the qualitative analysis of conceptual maps and was used to compare the level
of complexity of the presentation of deserts across individual textbooks; the combination of
both approaches can help to obtain more valid research outcomes (Freeman & Jessup, 2004).
4.1 Results of qualitative analysis of conceptual maps
Figures 26 show synthesised conceptual maps from the analysed geography textbooks and
Table 2 provides an overview of the key results arising from the analysis presented in this part
of the chapter. The figures show that the authors whose textbooks we studied mainly opt for
the content-based approach to the presentation of the curriculum when presenting the desert
biome (focusing on individual components of the geographical environment). While this
structure does not interfere with the traditional arrangement of the text, it may complicate
students’ understanding of the relationships and connections between individual components
of the geographical environment to a certain extent. Geography therefore loses its complexity,
which is one of its key characteristics.
The analysis showed that the issues associated with deserts are not presented in the
textbooks with their causes and consequences. In other words, a problem-based approach is
absent from the texts; the chapter content focuses primarily on the description of the current
state and, sometimes, on its assessment, but the pursuit of problems in the relevant field (such
as desertification) is never the focus.
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Figure 2: Conceptual map of the topic of desert in Textbook A (Fraus)
Figure 3: Conceptual map of the topic of desert in Textbook B (Nakladatelství ČGS)
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Figure 4: Conceptual map of the topic of desert in Textbook C (Nová škola)
Figure 5: Conceptual map of the topic of desert in Textbook D (Prodos)
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Figure 6: Conceptual map of the topic of desert in Textbook E (Státní pedagogické nakladatelství)
The presented conceptual maps show that all the textbook publishers build the chapters
on deserts on three basic concepts: climatic zone, with an emphasis on minimal rainfall (or
temperature differences between day and night); lack of water (in contrast to the occurrence
of oases); and the specific nature of the biota, with examples. These three core topics illustrate
the desert biome, according to the authors. The authors frequently use examples of plants
and animals to illustrate the specificity of deserts; camels and cactuses are mentioned very
often without any spatial context, i.e., in which region of the world they appear. This is
associated with the lacking of descriptions of the impact of latitudinal and longitudinal zones
on the locations of deserts. By omitting this, the authors eliminate the opportunity to present
additional types of deserts (polar deserts, temperate deserts, etc.).
It is interesting to note that a part of the analysed textbooks focuses unilaterally on physical
and geographical aspects of the geographic environment when presenting deserts and fails
to take into account their socio-economic content. This text structure eliminates one of the key
specifics of geography the study of the relationships between nature and the society. This
outcome suggests that textbook authors tend to build on the traditional conception of teaching
biomes, in which the presentation of social activities is eliminated. However, identifying the
relationships between nature and society is currently important, as biomes, including deserts,
are intensively used and changed by human beings. On the other hand, the natural
environment influences the character of society and its activities. If human activities are
mentioned in the textbooks, they mainly include traditional economic activities (such as
grazing), and never modern economic uses (such as oil mining, or tourism). It is important to
note that while this information is not incorrect, it reinforces outmoded stereotypes, since these
areas now feature much wider economic activity. This phenomenon is referred to below as
stereotyping through examples. An overview of the problems identified through the conceptual
maps of the analysed textbooks is shown in Table 2.
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Table 2. Overview of problems in the presentation text concerning deserts in geography textbooks
Textbook A
Textbook B
Textbook C
Textbook D
Textbook E
representation of
the social content
of the area
(influence of the
environment on
NO (relatively
stereotyping but
effort to show
YES (missing
YES (missing
YES (missing
NO (however,
people listed as
Absence of
under deserts
and semideserts
YES (but stated
of the desert
problem needs
to be assessed
between hot and
polar deserts
YES (cool and
hot deserts
YES (missing
Absence of
different surface
covers in deserts
NO (certain
types are
missing or are
NO (certain
types are
missing or are
NO (however,
only sand
and stone
NO (certain
types are
missing or are
NO (certain
types are
missing or are
YES (waters,
wind climate,
plants and
YES (waters,
climate, plants
and animals)
YES (climate,
YES (difficult
to identify due
to small
volume of
YES (waters,
wind climate
and surface,
Absence of the
effect of
latitudinal zone /
YES (missing
NO (insufficient,
tropics + 1
tropics, low
YES (missing
through examples
YES (nomads, a
few biota
NO (several
YES (inland
Asia +
tropics, but
under biota)
YES (Sahara
Africa, sand)
YES (nomads,
a few biota
4.2 Results of quantitative analysis of conceptual maps
The interconnection of individual concepts is evidently weak in the textbooks studied. The
authors mostly present each part of the geographical environment separately, without any
effort to include the relationships between the individual components of the geographical
environment (also see Table 2). The cross-links category (see Table 3) was only identified
once. This result may indicate the continued prevalence of the traditional, content-based
concept of geographical education in the Czechia; textbook publishers, their authors, and
geography teachers use a relatively rigid concept of teaching geography in components, with
minimal emphasis on the relationships and connections between them, which is reflected in
the content of textbooks.
The quantitative analysis of the conceptual maps shows major differences between
individual textbooks (Table 3). The total number of points depends strongly on the scope of
the chapter, and this factor needs to be taken into account when interpreting the results.
Textbook A presents deserts with the highest level of elaboration, while the lowest level of
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elaboration was identified in Textbook D. When the results of the quantitative analysis are
interpreted in light of the concepts in the chapters, it becomes evident that Textbook A places
greater emphasis on relationships and connections in space, time, and individual components
of the geographical environment than the other textbooks (for example, the textbook by Nová
škola is structured by subchapters according to the geographical environment). However,
minimal crosslinks were identified in the entire research sample. Significant variability was
also identified in the number of visuals and examples provided in the textbooks (for example,
significant differences were observed between the textbooks by publishers B and D).
Table 3. Results of quantitative analysis of conceptual maps
Textbook A
Textbook B
Textbook C
Textbook D
Textbook E
results for all
The results of the analysis showed that the presentation of the selected biome is relatively
rigid in Czech textbooks, which are based on stereotyping and do not interleave individual
geographical components. The textbooks mostly limit their presentation to subtropical deserts
and omit other types of desert (including the polar type), with one exception, identified in
Textbook B. Students may therefore be under the impression that only one type of desert
exists; students cannot differentiate between individual types of desert according to climatic
zones based on the presentation of the curriculum in these textbooks. The connection
between plants and animals and the desert areas in which they live can be seen as a major
negative aspect. For example, although a student will be aware from the textbook that camels
are typical examples of animal living in deserts, or that cactuses are typical desert plants, they
will not be able to identify the region in which the animal or plant can be found. This may lead
to stereotyping in the curriculum (often stereotyping through examples), based on excessive
generalisation. This also leads to the occurrence of misconceptions, i.e., inaccurate
perceptions of the living environments of certain types of plants and animals (see also
Francek, 2013; Dove, 1999; Dove, 2016; Strommen, 1995; Rey-Goyeneche & Alexander,
2021; Trahorsch & Trhlíková, 2021).
As mentioned previously, the structures of the chapters in the analysed textbooks mostly
support the content-based approach to presenting the curriculum. Students are unable to seek
relationships and connections between individual components of geographical environments
independently. This defect is also apparent in the conceptual maps created in this study.
Students may de facto lack a didactic aid that would support their ability to seek relationships
between the components of geographical environments. Any changes to the structures of
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these chapters should be based on changes to the concept applied to the presentation of the
curriculum concerning biomes, rather than minor changes in the wording of the text; however,
these changes may be obstructed by several problems, such as insufficient knowledge on the
part of the authors, unsuitable choices of examples, etc. (Lee & Catling, 2017).
The content and selection of the key terms used in the textbooks we analysed cannot be
considered suitable in view of the creation of children’s conceptions. As mentioned previously,
these chapters very often present traditional economic uses of geographical areas without
paying attention to current economic issues. Examples of the modern uses of deserts should
be supported by specific data, and sufficiently varied examples of phenomena and processes
should be used when presenting examples.
The results show that the structures of the chapters in Czech geography textbooks have
the potential to negatively influence children’s conceptions because the textbooks’ authors
practically omit any application of modern psychodidactic knowledge (for example, the topic
of cognitive conflict or constructivismVosniadou, 2013) from these structures. Specifically,
we are of the opinion that the authors of the chapters do not make use of students’ prior
knowledge of and experiences with deserts, which display identical characteristics, according
to specialised studies (for example Dove, 1999; Schubert, 2014; Schubert & Wrenger, 2016;
Trahorsch & Trhlíková, 2021). The textbooks’ authors are therefore unable to generate
cognitive conflict in students, which is highly effective for changing children’s conceptions
(Reinfried et al., 2015). The increased use of abstract types of visuals to differentiate desert
biomes around the world (such as climographs), maps of different desert types with regard to
surfaces or zones (stone, sand, gravel, polar, moderate desert, etc.), charts showing the
causes of the prevailing climate, diagrams illustrating water drainage for a more effective
presentation of areas such as wadi, etc., would be appropriate. The current textbooks only
include abstract descriptions of geographical conditions, which may be interpreted by students
The resulting concept maps may indicate a relatively low potential for the development of
systems thinking (cf. Cox, Elen, & Steegen, 2019). The reason for this is the relatively small
number of relationships between different thematic areas of geography, the minimal number
of crosslinks, and the emphasis on examples of plants and animals. It is therefore questionable
whether students using these textbooks would be able to modify their mental models to more
accurate concepts or eliminate misconceptions through conceptual change (cf. Reinfried et
al., 2015).
While we aimed to highlight the selection of the key terms and their relationships in the
presentations of deserts, this study has certain limitations that need to be taken into account
in subsequent work. Firstly, there was a certain degree of subjectiveness in the creation of the
conceptual maps based on the texts, as is the case with the content analysis of any text. This
limitation of the study was eliminated by involving a higher number of assessors in the creation
of the conceptual maps and by creating a synthesised conceptual map for each of the
textbooks (see West et al., 2000; West et al., 2002). Certain ambiguous concepts and their
relationships could have been eliminated by applying this approach. However, it is necessary
to point out that the creation and subsequent analysis of the aggregated conceptual map
naturally led to the elimination of certain concepts that were less relevant to the chapter
structures and their relationships (the generalisation of reality through the tool used to study
it; Hallberg, 2013), despite their identification by some of the assessors. Although this
methodology was applied several times, this characteristic of the methodology should be
further elaborated through analyses of additional textbooks and phenomena in order to
improve its accuracy. The assignment of a specific number of points for individual categories
in the analysis (see, for example, the discussion in DʼAntoni, Zipp, & Olson, 2009) or their
major dependence on the scope of the chapter (compare Tables 1 and 3) may also be
disputed. The results cannot be generalised uncritically to other geography textbooks or other
chapters or phenomena in the analysed textbooks in view of the limited scope of the analysis
(desert biomes). However, the results provide certain insights into the creation of the structure
of the curriculum content and the potential learning processes of students. Therefore, it would
be suitable to supplement this study with further research (for example, a comparison of the
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conceptual maps from the textbooks with mind maps by students, their drawings, or their test
results) to identify the relationship between the presentation of the curriculum in the textbooks
and the creation of conceptions among lower-secondary-school students more precisely
(compare, for example, with the research design in Strommen, 1995; Rey-Goyeneche &
Alexander, 2021).
The significance of the presentation of the curriculum in these didactic aids is crucial for
teaching-and-learning (Esteves, 2019), as well as the perception of the subject, i.e.
geography, by the wider population as a discipline focusing on factographic data (specific data
without any interpretation). The structures of geographical textbooks in the Czechia are based
on outmoded content-based approaches to education that do not encourage pupils to spot
connections between topics and do not include the relationship between society and nature.
If sufficient attention is not paid to the selection of key terms in the chapter content and their
relationships, the quality of didactic aids cannot progress significantly towards a more modern
approach; rather, the Czech textbook content will become rigid and immune to any broader
conceptual changes. Although this study was applied to Czech textbooks of geography, it is
possible to compare the content of these textbooks with those of textbooks from other
countries; furthermore, the study presents the application of a relatively innovative method of
conceptual mapping in the analysis of geography textbooks. Nevertheless, the results show
that new international trends are entering the Czech geographical education sector very
The chapter content of geography textbooks should reflect the abilities of students more
closely, particularly their knowledge and experiences with the relevant topic (compare with
Rye, 2013). It would also be advisable to pay more attention to the relationships and
connections between individual components of the geographical environment (in particular,
the relationship between the natural conditions and culture of a region), as well as their
demonstration through suitable and varied examples or visuals (such as case studies of the
lifestyles of different people). Changing the concept behind the structuring of chapters appears
to be suitable. For example, a problem-based or system-based approach to the presentation
of the curriculum could be used (de Sousa, Hay, & Liebenberg, 2019). This could involve
progressing from traditional economic activities to modern social and economic arrangements
instead of the systematic approach, which is unfortunately applied in all the textbooks we
analysed. The application of this methodological tool in the analysis of texts by experts in
various countries worldwide would also be advisable; the presented methodological tool could
thus contribute to the networking of research in geography education.
The interpretation of the results showed that the production of textbooks has major
shortcomings that negatively influence the work of students and teachers. This is why the
quality of textbook content and the alignment of this content with the current state of
knowledge in science and modern psychodidactic findings should be a core focus. If these
principles continue to be ignored, the desired change in the effectiveness of geography
teaching in lower secondary schools and the positive perception of geography as a subject by
the wider population are not likely.
Funding: This work was supported by Grant Agency of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
in Ústí nad Labem (No. UJEP-SGS-2020-53-004-3).
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