Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
USGS Contract #: 08HQCN0024 May 2009 Page 1 of 5
Applied Geographics, Inc.
Economic Justification:
Measuring Return on
Investment (ROI) and
Cost Benefit Analysis
Your business plan must have some
type of economic justification to provide
your executives and elected officials
with financial information. It will help
them know that they are doing the “right
thing” by implementing the requested
program. A popular economic
calculation for the attractiveness of an
investment is “Return on Investment”
(ROI). ROI is a calculation of the most
tangible financial gains or benefits that
can be expected from a project versus
the costs for implementing the
suggested program or solution. Cost
Benefit Analysis (CBA) is more
comprehensive than ROI, and attempts
to quantify both tangible and intangible
(or “soft”) costs and benefits. The
purpose of this guide is to make these
measurement techniques a little more
Calculating ROI
ROI is represented as a ratio of the
expected financial gains (benefits) of a
project divided by its total costs. As a
formula it appears as:
ROI = (net benefits/total cost)
In the equation above, net benefits
equals total benefits minus total cost. It
is the incremental financial gain (or
If a parcel mapping project costs
$50,000 to implement, and you
demonstrate $25,000 in net benefits,
then the ROI calculation would appear
as follows.
ROI = (25,000/50,000)
The ROI in this example is 50% which
represents a positive return on the
investment. It takes an ROI ratio greater
than zero for a program to be attractive,
typically. A sub-zero ratio may not
automatically “kill” a project, because it
may result in a required capability that
doesn’t currently exist. Not all
government functions are required to
have a positive rate of return as they are
in the business world. Government is
required to provide certain services to
the public, and so is more tolerant of low
Comparing the ROI of various options
will help to ensure that you select the
most cost effective technology and
approach. You can provide additional
support for negative (and positive) rates
of return with the qualitative benefits
identified by your planning team. Later
in this guide, a discount factor will be
applied, to show the Net Present Value
(NPV) of future costs and benefits,
which is an important consideration
when comparing alternatives.
NOTE: Even a project with an
outstanding ROI may be controversial or
doomed to failure if the investment cost
is very high.
Performing CBA
These calculations are more
comprehensive than ROI, in that they
attempt to quantify both tangible and
intangible costs and benefits.
Historically, CBA has been applied to
large public works projects with societal
cost and benefits that are more difficult
to quantify than “hard” technology costs.
Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
USGS Contract #: 08HQCN0024 May 2009 Page 2 of 5
Applied Geographics, Inc.
Intangible benefits and costs are very
relevant to an overall determination of
what is a good investment for the public
well-being. SSDI implementation
includes both types, and is therefore a
candidate for applying CBA, if the
expertise and resources are available to
support the effort. There are a number
of economic methodologies for
monetizing benefits and costs that do
not have easily discovered market
prices, but these can be complex and
any estimate derived from them may
have relatively high uncertainty.
Like an ROI calculation, the result of
CBA is a ratio expressed as a
percentage, and economic
attractiveness is determined the same
way: above zero is attractive, and
below zero is not. The equation is the
same, although more costs and benefits
are included. That is the essential
difference between the two methods.
Effect of Time on ROI and CBA
In most cases, executives and elected
officials expect to see an economic
justification based on phased benefits
and costs over a three to five year
window. Being able to show a positive
ROI in a one or two year timeframe will
probably make your project an instant
hit, but this is an unusual circumstance.
Given the time value of money, a dollar
is worth more today than it will be
tomorrow. To account for this economic
fact, future costs and benefits need to
be “discounted” in order to calculate
today’s value (a.k.a., Net Present Value,
or NPV). The discount factor, also
known as the cost of capital, might be
specified by various state authorities,
and usually reflects the interest rate the
state pays to borrow money when it
issues general obligation bonds. By
comparison, the federal Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
recommends the following nominal
discount rates for federal programs,
depending on the length of the program.
Duration 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 7 Yrs 10
2.7% 3.3% 3.7% 4.2%
Source: OMB Circular A-94 Appendix
C, as of 12/12/08
In the parcel mapping calculation of
ROI, to apply a discount factor to
determine the Net Present Value (NPV)
of a future stream of benefits and costs,
the following equation and factors would
be used:
B = Benefits; C = Costs; r = discount
rate; t = time period; n = number of time
NPV equals the summation from t = 0
(the initial start-up of the program) to t =
n (the final year of the program) of [(B
) / (1 + r)
For a 3 year program, the equation
would be as follows:
NPV = [(B
- C
)] + [(B
– C
) / (1 + r)] +
– C
) / (1 + r)
] + [(B
– C
) / (1 + r)
In the table on the parcel mapping
example, the above equation was
applied, and the resulting NPV
calculated out to be $22,120.
The longer the project duration, the
greater the risks due to changes in work
process flow and other external factors
that may lead to a new project design
and additional costs.
Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
USGS Contract #: 08HQCN0024 May 2009 Page 3 of 5
Applied Geographics, Inc.
Initial Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Costs
$35,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $50,000
$0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,000
Net Benefit
-$35,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $25,000
Net Present Value
Initial Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Discount Factor (2.5 %)
Initial Period Denominator
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
This table feeds our earlier example calculation of ROI = ($25,000/$50,000) where the
ROI is calculated to be 50% for the parcel mapping project. By adding a discount factor
and calculating NPV (see aforementioned formula), the economic attractiveness
diminishes only slightly ($22K vs. $25K), but is still positive, and more meaningful
because it accounts for the time value of money.
Calculating Costs
Most organizations have effective
methods for identifying their costs.
Information on personnel costs can be
obtained from fiscal officers, there are
often contracts in place (or as historical
references) for certain services, and
managers can turn to their counterparts
in other organizations to obtain
reasonable cost estimates.
Include the following incremental costs
when determining your total cost:
o Labor Including Fringe Benefits
o Overhead (if appropriate)
o Additional Equipment Cost (not
including additional costs for
existing equipment)
o Additional Software Cost (not
including additional costs for existing
o Physical Facilities (if additional
space is required)
o Contracting Costs
You should also consider the various
phases of a project and account for all
of the costs incurred during each phase.
Many people improperly ignore the
“built-in” costs and only account for
large contractual expenditures.
Examples of built-in costs include:
o Project Management
o Contract Management
o Quality Assurance and Control
o Personnel Training
o Project Maintenance
o Security (if appropriate)
Calculating Benefits
This is the most difficult part of
completing an economic justification.
Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
USGS Contract #: 08HQCN0024 May 2009 Page 4 of 5
Applied Geographics, Inc.
There are very few guidelines that
provide you with average benefit factors
for implementing applications, data
development, or coordination activities.
NASA reported that adherence to open
standards and interoperability
specifications during project
implementation resulted in 119% ROI as
a “savings to investment” ratio. (See
Items to include in your study include
“internal” or “external” costs and benefits
to your organization. It is generally
much easier to document the internal
costs, because you should have a good
understanding of the work process flow
and where the savings will occur. It can
be extremely difficult (or nearly
impossible) to identify the “downstream”
benefits that are accrued by other users
and the general public.
Examples of the internal benefits you
should measure include:
o Savings from new capabilities
o Decreased time to perform repetitive
o Decreased travel
o Decreased wait times
o Fewer mistakes
o Increase in billable services
o Increased customer base
o Improved customer satisfaction
o Decreased training costs
o Improved regulatory compliance (i.e.
reduction of fines)
o Reduced reporting requirements
o Reduced telecommunications
o Reduced dependency on
As already noted, accurately identifying
benefits can be very difficult and time
consuming. It helps to list all of the
expected benefits and then prioritize
them in terms of your “hunches” on the
largest expected paybacks. Explain
your assumptions and known biases
related to your “hunches” when
documenting your approach. After that,
make your best guess on the ease of
obtaining the information required to
complete the calculation. Use these
lists to set your priorities for working on
economic justification.
Examples of external and downstream
benefits that you might measure include:
o All of the above benefits that can be
quantified in other agencies or levels
of government due to the proposed
o Public and Private Sector benefits
that can be clearly defined (i.e. by
having assessment data on-line,
appraisers can perform
assessments in their office and not
have to drive to county or state tax
offices, thereby saving them time
and travel expenses)
o Private sector benefits from being
geospatially enabled (i.e. a company
specializing in road centerline data
gets access to better road geometry
and provides more added values for
other customers)
o Public benefits from being
geospatially enabled (i.e. being able
to locate a hotel near a business
appointment on a web based
mapping system that saves time and
travel expenses)
These external and downstream
benefits can be very complex to
calculate and will probably be beyond
the scope of your planning efforts.
However, the members of your planning
team should think about these benefits;
and when they can be readily
calculated, include them in your
business plan.
Advancing Statewide Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of the
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
USGS Contract #: 08HQCN0024 May 2009 Page 5 of 5
Applied Geographics, Inc.
Putting it in Perspective
ROI and CBA calculations are useful,
because they allow you to examine your
options and make more informed
choices. They are also an essential
component of your business plan,
because they become the “proof” that
implementing a project is a sound
business decision. ROI is useful when
costs and benefits are tangible and
tightly focused on a specific program
with boundaries. CBA is more
comprehensive, and is useful when both
tangible and intangible costs and
benefits need to be considered.
Before you begin development of your
business plan, you should determine
what statutory or other requirements you
have for developing ROI or other types
of calculations in prescribed formats.
Many states have specific guidance and
formats identified in their budget or IT
plans. In addition, you should determine
the threshold for project value at which
you must perform these analyses. The
level of effort that you put toward
ROI/CBA should be commensurate with
the contemplated expenditure. For
example, spending a week’s worth of
your time to gather information and
crunch numbers may not be a wise
investment of time in order to justify a
project expenditure of $10,000, but it
might be if the amount is $100,000.
As already noted, examples of ROI and
CBA calculations for geospatial projects
can be very elusive. Please share any
information, tools, or new concepts with
your peers.
NOTE: This overview of ROI and CBA
is a companion piece to the Strategic
and Business Plan Guidelines
produced under contract to the Federal
Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
Secretariat, in support of the Fifty States
Initiative. The Guidelines and related
materials are available on both the
FGDC and NSGIC websites.