2018 2019
Sheri Bonner
President & CEO
Sally De Witt
Chair, Board of Directors
Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley
served more than 63,000 patient visits thanks to
you. They come to us in need of cancer screenings,
birth control, STI treatments, abortion services,
transgender care, and so much more. Our patients walk
through our doors knowing they will receive sensitive,
nonjudgmental careno matter what.
But 2019 was not without its challenges for those of us
fighting for sexual and reproductive rights. The Title
X Gag Rule coming into effect proved that we are not
immune from federal attacks, even in the haven
state of California. Our local community suffered a
600% rise in the rate of syphilis. And hate crimes rose
against LGBTQ folks across the country, as the Trump
administration’s policy prohibiting most transgender
individuals from entering the military went into effect.
So we refused to back down. In addition to many other
accomplishments this year, we moved full speed ahead
with our expansion plans to open two new health
centers, we started offering treatment for syphilis, we
began piloting mental health care and telehealth, we
expanded our sex ed programs, and we launched the
TransCare initiative.
None of this could have happened without the
incredible generosity of supporters like you. You are
the heroes of Planned Parenthood Pasadena and
San Gabriel Valley. We thank you for standing with us
today, and ask that you stand with us in the future.
Now Serving Baldwin Park,
Thanks to You!
Working with award-winning architects, we
designed a campus including a 5,700-square-
foot health center, outdoor tranquility garden,
secluded parking lot, and dedicated education
building. Every feature, from patient-controlled
dimmable lights to sound-absorbing ceiling tiles,
is a testament to our heightened consideration of
patient needs.
The centers streamlined layout and wayfinding
elements, like brightly color-coded walls, will ease
confusion, improve patient flow, and contribute
to quicker appointment turnaround. Our staff will
benefit from open spaces designed to promote
communication and collaboration.
With the addition of a devoted education center,
we are expanding our educational reach. Our
community education team, which includes two
health educators from Baldwin Park, will use the
space to offer culturally fluent, trauma-informed,
and medically accurate sex education for
students, parents, teachers, and foster youth.
We are thrilled to bring the health center of the
future to Baldwin Park, a medically underserved
community, and we look forward to breaking
ground on another new health center to open in
Highland Park later this year.
Privacy, serenity, pride, and empowerment: these are the cornerstones of our newest, largest,
and most innovative health center, which opened in Baldwin Park earlier this month as a direct
result of generous supporters like you.
Foster Youth
In 2019, PPPSGV was elated to add a Director of
Community Education and a third health educator
to our team, allowing us to amplify sex education
programming and focus on our service area’s large
population of foster youth.
Throughout the last decade, our afliate
has made tremendous strides in providing
thoughtful, trauma-informed health education
for foster youth. Research shows that
foster youth are more likely to experience
teen pregnancy, more likely to be sexually
assaulted, and more likely to be sex trafcked.
Foster youth will change schools an average
of eight times while in care, and often do not
receive the sex education they need to take
control of their sexual health.
At PPPSGV, we are working hard to address
this gap. In less than two years, we have
expanded our direct education for foster
and transition-age youth by nearly 350%. In
the same period, we have launched sex ed
trainings for foster caregivers, families, and
social workers, and are now training more than
250 foster-serving staff and families a year.
We are the only Planned Parenthood afliate
in the state that has developed a specialized
approach to educate foster youth. Our
skilled, bilingual educators cover consensual
relationships, preventing unintended
pregnancies and STIs, partner violence,
personal values, sexual orientation, and
gender identity, to prepare youth aging out of
the system for self-sufciency.
Countering the STI Crisis
When I came to get birth control, I found out I had an STI. I was so grateful that this
center gave me treatment right away and followed up with me.– PPPSGV Patient
Receiving an STI diagnosis can be overwhelming
and frightening. Thankfully, for thousands of
patients in Northeast LA and the San Gabriel
Valley, we are there, providing them with relief
and a clear path forward.
Last year, we did more than ever to curb the
spread of sexually transmitted infections as
California’s STI numbers reached epidemic
levels. The state’s syphilis, gonorrhea, and
chlamydia rates hit 30-year highs, with 96,342
reported cases in Los Angeles County alone. In
response, we accelerated our prevention and
treatment efforts, working with the Department
of Public Health to provide essential care. We
introduced syphilis treatment across all health
centers and provided 111,800 STI and HIV tests,
a 48% increase from just two years ago. As other
local STI clinics were defunded and shuttered,
our doors stayed open. We remain one of the
only local public providers of life-saving HIV-
prevention medications and syphilis treatment.
Left undiagnosed and untreated, STIs can lead to
tragic consequences; with so much at stake, we
are proud to be a safety net, providing care
no matter what.
Why I Stand with
Planned Parenthood
“I was an uninsured and single law student when I
became pregnant. I was unsure of what I should do,
but my friends and family suggested that getting an
abortion was the only realistic plan for me. I sought
advice at my local Planned Parenthood, and they were
incredibly supportive, reminding me that I had options
and that the decision of whether or not to have an
abortion was mine to make. At seven weeks gestation,
I decided I would get an abortion when I went home to
Minnesota at the hospital in town. Everything about the
experience was horrible; the clinicians were cold and
abrupt, and when I asked for pain medication, they told
me most woman don’t take anything. I was completely
alone during the procedure, and when I nally saw the
face of my friend who had come to take me home, I
started crying, overwhelmed by my experience. I felt
like I had just been punished.
Six years later, my husband and I were thrilled to learn that
I was pregnant with our second child. But at eight weeks
gestation, I suffered
a miscarriage. When
I went in for my DNC
procedure, I was
struck by the different experience I was now afforded;
I slept comfortably under anesthesia, and I received
cards and owers and messages of support. My doctor
and nurses were kind and sympathetic. It became clear
that, although I was undergoing the same procedure
I had six years earlier, now I was being treated like a
human being, cared for and loved, instead of punished.
This disparity infuriated me. The truth is I needed as
much support when I went through my abortion as I did
when I miscarried. Maybe more, because I was young,
scared, and conicted. That is why I began my training
as an abortion doula, and why I resolved to help other
women experiencing abortions. I want to give people
the compassion and empathy that I needed and didn’t
receive. I want to let them know they are not alone."
Leadership Circle Donor, Patient Advocate Volunteer
Why I Stand with
Planned Parenthood
PPPSGV Patient
When I was 20, I learned that I was pregnant. I was still in school, without a
job or a boyfriend, and I didn’t know if I was ready to be a mom. My parents
suggested that I have an abortion, so I made an appointment with Planned
Parenthood. When the nurse asked me if I wanted an abortion, I burst into
tears, feeling unsure of my decision. She explained that if I wasn’t ready,
we didn’t have to continue. I went home and sat down with my family to tell
them that it was my decision to keep my son. I am eternally grateful for that
critical moment at Planned Parenthood, and that amazing nurseif it wasn’t
for her, I would have lost the best part of my life. I still go to Planned
Parenthood now for STI testing and birth control because I trust that they are
there for me and my wellbeing. They aren’t there to pressure anyone into
anything. They really are there to help those who need it.
Your Impact on
Local Health
Care and
Opportunities for
Sex Education
STI Tests & Preventions
95,413 STI tests
16,165 HIV tests
222 PEP and PrEP prescriptions
(HIV-prevention medication)
Cancer Preventions
and Treatments
3,020 Breast exams and mammograms
2,315 Pap tests, colposcopies, and
LEEPS (cervical cancer diagnoses and
2,483 Well-Person Exams
Patient Visits
13% of our patients were male
204 patients were served to
date through TransCare**
*from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
**from April 1, 2018 to December 15, 2019
Your Impact on
Local Health
Care and
Birth Control Services
Guttmacher Institute estimates that
our four health centers prevented
2,190 abortions and 9,520
unintended pregnancies, which
led to a net savings of more than
$24 million for California tax payers.
Cycles of birth control
pills, patches, rings,
IUDs, and implants
contraception kits
We partnered with the
Public Health Department
to start offering
syphilis treatment.
Launched TransCare,
masculinizing and
feminizing hormone
therapy for transgender
patients, serving over 130
patients since its inception.
Syphilis rates rise by
600% in California.
The Trump administration’s
policy prohibiting most
transgender individuals
from entering the military
went into effect.
YOU are the
heroes of PPPSGV!
We partnered with
Cedars-Sinai to begin
piloting mental health
care and telehealth, and
we joined up with City of
Hope to improve access to
our mammogram clinic.
Planned Parenthood
Pasadena and San Gabriel
Valley stood by our patients
in their right to access the
full range of options; we
refused to abide by the
oppressive Title X Gag rule.
Title X Gag rule went into
effect, making it illegal for
us to discuss abortion.
We were awarded a grant
to improve access to
HIV prevention drugs for
women of color.
We forged ahead with
our expansion plans to
open our newest and
largest health center in
Baldwin Park.
*(as of 1/10/20)
Special thanks to our
Lets Do More campaign donors!
Thank You to Our
Leadership Circle Donors
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
Patient Services and Program Fees
Contributions and Foundation Grants
Investment Income
TOTAL $20,963,173
*Includes campaign funds that will support expanding into our new health centers in addition to developing
new medical services and education programs.
79% Patient
Services &
Program Fees
20% Contributions
& Foundation
1% Investment
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
Patient Services, Education,
Community Outreach, and
Public Affairs
Your continued support makes a tremendous difference.
Thank you for standing with us!
The cost to raise a dollar is
approximately 18 cents.
TOTAL $ 17,873,428
80% Patient Services,
Education &
Outreach, and
Public Affairs
60% Administration
4% Fundraising