Family Court of Western Australia
Request to Inspect Court File
Who should use this form
Parties, lawyers and appointed court experts to proceedings at the Family Court of Western Australia.
Other persons or agencies needing to inspect a court file for an approved legal or other purpose.
Send completed and signed form to [email protected]
The Court will contact you
After receiving this form, the Court will contact you on your telephone number specified in Part A to arrange
a date and time for you to inspect the file or discuss other matters related to file inspection.
Normal inspection hours are from 9:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
Older Court files may be stored offsite and take a number of days to retrieve.
PART A Person Requesting to Inspect Court File
State Postcode
Tel No
Mobile No email
Relationship to
Court File
I am one of the parties named in Part B below.
I am a lawyer acting for one of the parties named in Part B below (see Note 1 on page 2).
I am a Court appointed expert.
I am an employee of Legal Aid WA and am assisting one of the parties named in Part B
I am a person or employee of an agency with a legal or other interest in the case which is
set out in Part C of this form (see Note 2 on page 2).
Signature of
Date: / / Signature: ______________________________________
PART B Details of Parties and Court Case File
ICL or other party
File Details
Marriage Date: Divorce Date:
PART C Statement of Legal or Other Interest in the Case (if applicable)
This section is to be completed by you if you are a person or employee of an agency who has a legal or other interest
in the case, but are not a party, lawyer or court expert directly involved in the case.
Briefly state your
legal or other
interest in this case
and the reason why
you need to inspect
the court file.
Tick if applicable
I may require photocopies of documents from the Court file.
PART D Registrars Approval to Inspect File (if applicable)
This section is to be completed and signed by a Registrar or delegated officer of the Court to approve or
deny the request for inspection of the file specified in Part B after consideration of the statement of the
requester in Part C.
APPROVED - request to inspect is approved.
DENIED request to inspect is denied for the following reason(s):
Dated / /
Signature of Registrar or Delegated Officer
NOTES About File Inspection Requests
1. If you are a lawyer acting on behalf of a party and you have not filed a document on the court file, or
you are unsure whether you are officially on the court record as acting for a party to the file, then you
must file a Notice of Address for Service with this request document.
2. If you are a person or employee of an agency needing to inspect the Court file for a legal
or other
purpose, but you are not a party, lawyer or court expert directly involved in the case, you must state in
Part C of this form your legal or other interest and the reason why you need to inspect the Court file.
The request will then be considered by a Registrar of the Court or a delegated officer of the Court. The
Court will contact you to advise you of the result
, and if approved, arrange a date and time for
Office Use Only
Version 2.1August 2020