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Student Account Services
Fall 2018 Money Matters
Money Matters 3
Liability for Payment 3
Tuition & Fees 4
San Diego Campus Basic Tuition & Fees 4
Imperial Valley Campus Basic Tuition & Fees 5
Student Involvement & Representation Fee 5
Professional Program Fee 5
Tuition for Nonresident Student (Foreign or Out of State) 6
Course Fees 6
o Instructional Course Fees 6
o Mandatory Course & Lab Fees 6
Immediate Access Fee 8
Fees for Sports Classes Offered by the ARC for Credit 10
Miscellaneous Campus Fees 11
Late Registration Fee 13
Parking Permit Fees and Information 13
ID Card Fee and Information 13
Payment Options 14
Online -ACH (Electronic Check) 14
Online Credit Card 14
Mail Check or Certified Funds 15
In Person Payments 15
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Wire Transfer Payments 15
Basic Tuition Installment Plan 15
Out of State & Foreign Tuition Installment Plan 16
Fee Waivers 17
Financial Aid Tuition and Fee Payment Postponement 18
Disbursement of Financial Aid and Scholarship Funds 18
Notification and Schedule 18
Receiving your Funds 19
Parent Loans 19
View Disbursement Information 19
Refunds of Non-Financial Aid Funds 20
Refund Policy 20
Return to Title IV 21
Full Refund 21
Tuition and Fees Prorated Refund Schedule 21
Student Parking Fee Refund Schedule 24
Appeals Process 24
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accurate. / SDSU Fall 2018 Money Matters Updated 03/29/2018 3 | Page
FALL 2018 Money Matters
The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published
schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate.
Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee
payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory
system wide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a
particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates
that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the
Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory system wide fees will be made in accordance
with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability
Act (Sections 66028 -66028.6 of the Education Code).
Students will be liable for amounts that become due as a result of such change.
You must pay Tuition and Fees before you can access the Web registration system. "My Registration,"
available at the SDSU WebPortal, contains registration and payment information. The registration
process is not complete until you are officially enrolled in classes. Payment of fees alone does not
constitute registration.
All Cashier Holds must be cleared prior to paying for registration. Payments to clear financial holds
must be made by cash, debit cards, money order, or certified check. Inquire at Student Account
Services for more information. Personal checks or credit cards will NOT be accepted.
Liability of Payment
It is the student's responsibility to be aware of total fees due whether or not an invoice is received.
Students with an approved Petition for Late Schedule Adjustment must pay, in addition to the
$20.00 late add fee, any fees that may be due as a result of the added units. For example, if a student
is currently enrolled in 6 units and has an approved Petition to add 3 additional units, in addition to
the $20.00 late fee, the fees for the difference between part-time and full-time fees are due BEFORE
the Office of the Registrar will process the add request.
Please note: Dropping a class after the schedule adjustment deadline (based on approved Petition only)
does not reduce your fee liability. If you are enrolled in 9 units and drop 3 units, you will still be liable
for full-time Basic Tuition and Fees.
Students submitting authorization to bill a third party for their Basic Tuition and Fees will be held
responsible for payment if the third party agency fails to pay.
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According to Title 5, of the California Code of Regulations, Sections 42380 and 42381, should a student
or former student fail to pay any debt owed to the institution, the institution may "withhold permission
to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials,
food or merchandise or any combination of the above from any person owing a debt" until the debt is
Prospective students who register for courses offered by the university are obligated for the payment of
Basic Tuition and Fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in
any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term gives rise to an obligation to
pay Basic Tuition and Fees including any amounts due for the reservation of space in the course.
Tuition and Fees
Basic Tuition and Fees are required of all students. Nonresident and Graduate Business students pay the
Basic Tuition and Fees as listed below and additional per unit tuition and fees (see Professional Business
Fee and Nonresident Tuition sections below).
Thesis extension, other zero unit courses and half unit courses are charged as one unit for fee purposes.
Auditors pay the same fee as students carrying courses for credit.
San Diego Campus Fall 2018 Basic Tuition and Fees
(Nonresident and Graduate Business students are charged an additional amount)
Basic Tuition
1,665 2,871 1,932 3,330 2,082 3,588 5,919 8,598
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194
207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207
$ 2,805.00
$ 4,203.00
*Campus Fees Part Time (0-6 units) Full Time (6.1 + units)
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Imperial Valley Campus Fall 2018 Basic Tuition and Fees
(Nonresident and Graduate Business students are charged an additional amount)
Basic Tuition
1,665 2,871 1,932 3,330 2,082 3,588 5,919 8,598
65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Student Body
Center Fee*
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Health Facility
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Services Fee*
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
$ 2,049.00
$ 3,447.00
*Campus Fees Part Time (0-6 units) Full Time (6.1 + units)
Student Involvement and Representation Fee $2.00 (SIRF Optional Fee)
The CSU Board of Trustees adopted the SIRF, establishing a stable funding model for the California
State Student Association (CSSA). The new funding model expands independence and builds capacity
to engage students in advocacy and policy making. The funding model consists of a $2 per-term fee
assessed to each CSU student, on a voluntary basis, allowing the choice to opt-out each semester. SDSU
students can opt out of this fee by logging into your SDSU Webportal and clicking on “SIRF Opt
Out”. The deadline for opting out of SIRF is 30 days after the term census date. For the Fall 2018
term that day is October 24, 2018.
Professional Program Fee
MS Accountancy
MBA Master of Business
MS Business Administration
MS Information Systems
A fee waiver is available for courses that are not used to meet degree requirements (excluding
prerequisite courses). Contact the Graduate Business Programs Office, EBA 448, for details.
To avoid late fees, the Professional Program Fee must be paid in full prior to the first day of classes. If
you are subject to this fee and do not pay it in full prior to the start of classes, late charges may apply.
Your registration may be cancelled if the Professional Program Fee is not paid prior to the 20th class day
Graduate students in the College of Business must pay $270.00 per unit for all units taken
as a requirement for graduation with the following degrees. This fee is in addition to Basic
Tuition and Fees and Nonresident tuition.
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Tuition for Nonresident Students (Foreign or Out-Of-State)
Tuition for Nonresident students may be paid using any of the methods outlined under Payment Options.
To avoid additional service charges for nonresident tuition, payment for nonresident tuition must be paid
in full prior to the first day of classes. If you are subject to nonresident tuition and do not pay in full
prior to the first day of classes, or submit an installment contract, service charges will be assessed, and
late charges may apply. If nonresident tuition is not paid prior to the 20th class day (census), your
registration may be cancelled.
Health Insurance (mandatory for foreign students) is approximately $1,282.00 per year.
Minimum Payment Requirements for Foreign Students:
Undergraduate foreign students must pay for, or sign a tuition fee installment payment agreement
for a minimum of 12 units.
Graduate foreign students must pay for, or sign a tuition fee installment payment agreement for a
minimum of 9 units.
Foreign students wishing to pay for fewer than 12 units (9 units, if graduate) must submit to
Student Account Services an approved reduced course load request form from the International
Student Center.
Course Fees
Instructional Course Fees are payable at the student's option for certain courses.
ART 325, 326, 425, 525, 526, 625,627, 700D
$5 - $15 (varies by
type of clay)
Mandatory Course/Lab Fees are charged for certain courses (no waivers or exceptions are permitted).
These fees are identified by the footnote "H" in the class schedule and will appear on your account as
soon as you register in the class.
ART 103, 210, 216, 410, 411, 416,511, 516, 616
Art 148, 240, 241, 242, 248, 250,339A, 339B, 339C, 340, 341,
342A, 344A, 344B, 348, 440, 441, 442,445C, 448, 450, 451, 453,
454, 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 552, 553
In addition to Tuition and Fees, foreign and out-of-state students will be charged tuition for
all units attempted at a rate of $396.00 per unit.
For tuition purposes, zero unit and half-unit courses are counted as one unit. Auditors pay the
same tuition as students carrying courses for credit.
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Art ART 203, 403, 407, 408 $25.00
Astronomy ASTR 109 $14.00
BIOL 100L, 509, 211L
BIOL 203L, 204L, 514, 523, 530
BIOL 531
BIOL 101L, 212, 261, 350, 354L,
366L, 436, 512, 515, 517, 521L,
524, 525, 526, 541, 551, 556, 567L,
Biology BIOL 596 (Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems Only) $720.00
CHHS International
HHS 350 (Costa Rica)* $1,250.00
CHHS International
HHS 350 (Ireland)* $1,439.00
CHHS International
HHS 350 (Japan)* $1,645.00
CHEM 100, 102, 105, 200, 201, 202,231, 232L, 251, 410A, 417,
431,432L, 457, 467L, 537, 567
Civil Engineering CIVE 121, 218, 220, $10.00
Civil Engineering
CIVE 120, 395
Civil Engineering
CIVE 482, 495
Civil Engineering
CIVE 302, 479, 612
Civil Engineering
CIVE 463
College of Education
ED 450 (Central Mexico)*
College of Education
ED 450 (Guatemala)*
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
COMPE 375, 470L
Computer Engineering
Ei i
CONE 320, 401
Electrical Engineering EE 210 $20.00
Electrical Engineering
EE 330L, 430L, 540L
Electrical Engineering
EE 490
Ei i
ENVE 363
ENVE 553 $50.00
Exercise and Nutritional
ENS 265L, 289, 304L, 347B $25.00
Exercise and Nutritional
ENS 389A $30.00
Geology GEOL 101, 550 $20.00
Geology GEOL 300, 505 $15.00
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GEOL 200, 205, 221, 224, 306, 307,324, 412, 501, 508, 514, 525,
530,532, 536, 537, 552
Geography GEOG 102 $73.00
GEOG 312
MATH 121, 122
Mechanical Engineering
ME 495
Mechanical Engineering
ME 241
Mechanical Engineering
ME 330
MUSIC 104, 160, 204, 214, 215,216, 217, 218, 260, 360, 560
Natural Science
N SCI 412
NUTR 205
NUTR 405
PHYS 107, 197L, 311, 357, 533,553, 561
PHYS 182A, 182B, 195L, 196L
Public Health
PH 664 (Columbia)*
School of Speech,
Language, and Hearing
SLHS 539 $11.00
School of Speech,
Language, and Hearing
SLHS 525, 629, 630 $150.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
THEA 240, 447, 547 $10.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
THEA 546 $15.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
THEA 349, 554A, 554B $20.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
THEA 541 $35.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
THEA 448 $50.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
TFM 327 $10.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
TFM 321, 561, 600 $15.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
TFM 522, 560, 660 $20.00
School of Theatre,
Television and Film
TFM 314, 360, 361 $25.00
*Excludes $60 Travel Insurance Fee, bill separately
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accurate. / SDSU Fall 2018 Money Matters Updated 03/29/2018 9 | Page
Immediate Access Fee
The following fees listed are required course materials (textbooks) provided in an online 180 day
subscription in digital format. Use of this online textbook is free until September 10, 2018 at 11:59 pm.
Your student account will be charged the amounts below unless you opt out by the deadline above. For
more information or to opt out, please click here.
Schedule #s
Retail Price
1-5, 7-19
20060-20061 (online)
20124, 20125 (online)
ANTH 101
B_A 350
B_A 360
B_A 370
B_A 405
20428, 20430
BIOL 100
20455-20458, 33226
BIOL 212
CFD 135
20641, 20642, 20643
CFD 278
CFD 370
CHEM 100
25701-25704, 20698-20744
CHEM 200
CHEM 202
CHEM 560
CIV_E 301
COMM 103
1-99, A0
CS 320
E_E 204
ECON 101
ECON 101
21279 (online)
ECON 101
ECON 102
ECON 102
21284 (online)
ECON 201
ECON 321
ED 690
FIN 240
GEOG 102
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GEOG 102
GEOG 312
GEOG 321
GEOG 354
HIST 100
HIST 100
HIST 109
HIST 109
HIST 110
21867, 21869
M_E 101
MATH 150
MATH 151
22249-22266, 33201-33204
MATH 252
M_E 452
MKTG 371
NURS 208
NURS 304
NUTR 201
22663 (online)
P_H 353
POL_S 102
22920-22922, 22925-22926
PSY 332
PSY 350
PSY 351
RWS 290
23264, 23267, 23274
SPED 450
SPED 501
STAT 119
23584-23587, 32279-32283
STAT 250
23593-23600 (online)
Fees for Sports Classes Offered by the ARC for Credit
The following fees listed are ENS Credit Classes offered by the Aztec Recreation department and can be
paid at the Aztec Recreation Center (ARC).
Advanced Judo
ENS 138
Advanced Soccer
ENS 138
Advanced Surfing**
ENS 138
Advanced Swim Fit
ENS 138
Advanced Tennis
ENS 138
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Advanced Wakeboarding and Water
- ski
ENS 138
Adventure Leadership I
ENS 138
Leadership II
ENS 138
ENS 138
$249.00 - $450.00
Ballroom Dance
ENS 138
Beginning Basketball
ENS 108
Beginning Bowling
ENS 119A
Beginning Hip Hop Dance
ENS 138
Beginning Golf
ENS 116A
Beginning Judo
ENS 138
Beginning Rock Climbing*
ENS 139A
$160.00 - $359.00
Beginning Rowing**
ENS 138
Beginning Sailing**
ENS 124
Beginning Soccer
ENS 109 A
Beginning Swim Fit
ENS 138
Beginning Tennis
ENS 118A
Beginning Volleyball
ENS 110
Beginning Weight Training
ENS 104 A
Beginning Yoga
ENS 138
Camping and Outdoor Skills*
ENS 138
$249.00 - $450.00
Fitness Training for Women
ENS 138
Functional Fitness Training
ENS 138
Half Marathon Training
ENS 138
Hobie Cat Sailing**
ENS 138
Indoor Cycling
ENS 138
Intermediate Basketball
ENS 296
Intermediate Bowling
ENS 119B
Intermediate Hip Hop Dance
ENS 138
Intermediate Golf
ENS 116B
Intermediate Judo
ENS 138
Intermediate Rock Climbing
ENS 139B
Intermediate Soccer
ENS 109 B
Intermediate Surfing**
ENS 138
Intermediate Swim Fit
ENS 138
Intermediate Tennis
ENS 296
Intermediate Volleyball
ENS 296
Intermediate Weight Training
ENS 104 B
Intermediate Yoga
ENS 138
Jiu Jitsu
ENS 138
Keel Boat Sailing**
ENS 138
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pic Lifting & Sports Conditioning
ENS 138
ENS 138
Pilates and Yoga
ENS 138
Restorative Yoga w/ Breathwork
ENS 138
River Canoeing and Camping*
ENS 138
$335.00 - $389.00
ENS 138
Sea Kayaking
ENS 138
Self Defense for Women
ENS 138
Stand Up Paddleboard
ENS 138
Stand Up Paddling**
ENS 138
ENS 146
Swing Dance
ENS 138
Tae Kwon Do
ENS 138
ENS 138
Wakeboarding and Wakesurfing**
ENS 138
ENS 138
Wilderness First Aid
ENS 138
ENS 147
Yoga Inversions
ENS 138
*Trip component for class. Fee dependent upon the trip student selects.
**Taught and paid for at the Mission Bay Aquatic Center (MBAC) ***
***Taught and paid for through a 3
Miscellaneous Campus Fees
The following university services that have miscellaneous fees charged are payable when the service is
Fee Typed
Administrative Citation Fee (enforcement of smoking, bicycling and skateboarding violations)
Application for Admission or Readmission (NONREFUNDABLE)
Athletic Winter Guard Membership Fee (rate range based on yearly travel plans)
$1200 - $1500
Athletic Cheer Team Membership Fee (rate range based on
planned competitions and available
$400 Fall
$200 - Fall
Counseling Diversion Program Fee
Counseling Diversion Program Fee- Missed Appointment
Credential Application Fee (Established by and payable to the Commission on
Credential Evaluation Fee
Credit by Exam Fee
Diploma Replacement Fee
Document Copying Fee
$1.00 per page
Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (NONREFUNDABLE)
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Intent to Enroll Fee for Online BS/BA General Business Degree (CES) (NONREFUNDABLE)
Fingerprinting Fee (Live Scan)
$20.00 plus applicable
DOJ and FBI fees
Graduation Services Fee
Internet Reconnect Fee (wired/wireless)
Interest Inventory Assessment Fee
Late Course Forgiveness Fee
Late Fee (Failure to meet administratively required appointment or time limit)
Late Registration Fee (NONREFUNDABLE)
Late Key Fee
Latin Diploma Fee
Lock and Locker Fee (optional)
Loss of
or Damage to Library Materials
Replacement cost plus
service charge of $8.00
Lost key fee - Per Key (Late fee also charged when applicable)
Musical Instrument and Audio/Visual Equipment fee
Music Recital Fee (half solo/junior recital)
Music Recital Fee (full solo/senior recital)
-Identification Card (one-time cost to new undergraduate and graduate students at time of
registration (NONREFUNDABLE)
Photo Identification Card Replacement Fee
Police Report Fee
Registration Installment Plan Service Charge (NONREFUNDABLE)
Resident Affiliate Program Fee (RAP)
Returned Payment Fee (Late fee also charged when applicable)
Teacher Education Credential Application Processing/Advising Fee
Towel Fee (optional)
Tow Fee
Transcript of record, official (per transcript)
Official Transcript of Record
- On Demand (per transcript) ($25.00 for the first transcript and
.00 for each additional on demand transcript printed at the same time.)
Tuition (Foreign and Out
-of-State) Installment Plan Service Charge
equal to 15% of each
installment payment
Vehicle Boot Fee
Late Registration Fee
The Late Registration Fee ($25) pertains to students who pay fees after official registration has closed.
Students admitted late to the university may be exempted from this fee.
Parking Permits Fees and Information
Fall 2018 parking permits can be purchased online through the AZTEC Parking Portal.
For additional information regarding parking permits, please visit Parking Support Services.
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Waiver of Parking Fees: Section 42201 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations, provides for the
waiver of campus parking fees for students with disabilities who have been issued a DMV placard or
license plate, and who meet low-income requirements. For further information regarding eligibility,
contact Student Disability Services (Calpulli Center 3101).
SDSU Card Office Fee and Information
All new students are required to purchase an SDSU photo identification card, which permits use of
campus services, such as student activities, athletic events, library privileges, etc. All new students should
submit $18.00 for the ID card in addition to other fees paid. After payment is made, students can obtain
their ID card at the SDSU Card Office.
The SDSU Card Office is located in Student Services West, Room 2620, hours of operation: Monday -
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. For additional information, contact the SDSU Card Office at (619) 594-
Payment Options
Payment for Basic Tuition and Fees for Fall 2018 will be accepted beginning February 27, 2018. Do
NOT wait until your registration access date to pay your fees.
Online ACH (Electronic Check):
You may pay your Basic Tuition and Fees and other charges using the ACH payment option. This is just
like writing a check. There is no additional charge for this option. You will need your bank routing and
checking account number; which is not the same as your debit card number.
If your payment is returned by the bank to the Student Account Services Office for any reason, you will
be billed a $35.00 dishonored payment charge and a $20 late fee when applicable (this fee applies to all
forms of payment that are returned by your bank). Non-payment of Tuition and Fees may result in
cancellation of your registration and withholding of further services until all financial liabilities have
been resolved.
The university reserves the right to refuse payments by electronic check from those individuals
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who have previously had items returned unpaid by their bank.
PLEASE NOTE: If your electronic check writing privileges are revoked, you will have to wait one
(1) year to be reinstated.
Online Credit Card:
Students are able to use MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover Card to pay Basic Tuition
and Fees using CASHNetSmartPay, our secure third party vendor. Student Account
Services/Cashiers does not accept credit cards for in-person payment of Basic Tuition and Fees, except
as applicable under the terms of the Installment Plan. Payments made using CASHNetSmartPay are
normally posted to the student’s account in real time; the registration process should not be delayed.
CASHNetSmartPay assesses each customer a 2.75% service charge based on the transaction amount.
See. CashNetweb site for more details
If your payment is returned by the bank to the Student Account Services Office for any reason, you will
be billed a $35.00 dishonored payment charge and a $20 late fee when applicable (this fee applies to all
forms of payment that are returned by your bank). Non-payment of Tuition and Fees may result in
cancellation of your registration and withholding of further services until all financial liabilities have
been resolved.
MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover Card charge cards are accepted for other payments,
such as Housing, Parking, Health Services, Continuing Education, and miscellaneous over-the-counter
payments. Students are reminded that banks will provide cash advances against credit cards if needed to
cover registration payments. Most ATM cards are also accepted for payment of miscellaneous charges.
Mail Check or Certified Funds
Tuition and Fees may be paid in full by personal check, money order, or certified funds. Checks should
be made payable to SDSU. In order to have your payment processed on time, print the fee payment
coupon found in the SDSU WebPortal and submit it (via mail or Student Account Services drop box)
with your payment prior to your payment deadline. Your payment deadline is located on your SDSU
WebPortal under “My Registration”.
Your Tuition and Fee payment coupon and check should be mailed to:
SDSU Student Account Services
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-7426
Checks are accepted for the exact amount of the payment. Overpayments of $10.00 or less are re-
funded only upon request.
If your payment is returned by the bank to the Student Account Services Office for any reason, you will
be billed a $35.00 dishonored payment charge and a $20 late fee when applicable (this fee applies to all
forms of payment that are returned by your bank). Non-payment of Tuition and Fees may result in
cancellation of your registration and withholding of further services until all financial liabilities have
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been resolved.
The university reserves the right to refuse payments by personal check from those individuals who have
previously had items returned unpaid by their bank.
PLEASE NOTE: If your check writing privileges are revoked, you will have to wait one (1) year to
petition to be reinstated
Payments Made in Person
You can make your payment in person at Student Services West, Room 2536 during our office hours of
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM or via the Student Account Services drop box 24/7.
Wire Transfer Payments
Students paying in foreign currencies should use our IFT option on Student Account Online. Payments
in foreign currencies are made via Western Union and automatically posted to the student account once
received. Wire transfers through Western Union offers favorable exchange rates and eliminates bank
fees typically charged for wire transfers. For more information on making payments through Western
Union, please click here.
Basic Tuition and Fee Installment Plan
Basic Tuition and Fees due for the semester may be paid in installments. There is a $60.00 non-
refundable service charge for the Basic Tuition and Fee Installment Plan; the service charge is paid prior
to registration, along with an initial payment of $800.
Parking fees and other miscellaneous fees may not be paid in installments.
What are the due dates for the Basic Tuition and Fees Installment Plan?
The due dates for the Fall 2018 Basic Tuition and Fees Installment Plan are:
Installment #’s
Statement Date
Installment Due Date
Tuesday, August 06, 2018
Monday, August 20, 2018
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Monday, November 5, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
How do I sign up for the Basic Tuition and Fee Installment Plan?
Log in to Student Account Services web site on the main Student Account Services home page. Read the
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terms and conditions and related information carefully. The Basic Tuition and Fee Installment Plan is
essentially a loan and it is important that you understand the terms of the contract.
Complete all sections of the online form. Amounts due will be adjusted based on the units in which you
are actually enrolled in as of census.
You will pay the first payment online using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Diners Club,
or Electronic Check (using your bank account and routing number). Installment Plan applications are not
accepted in person.
After I have made my initial payment of $860.00, how do I make my installment payments?
The office of Student Account Services sends e-mail notification for outstanding bills. Billing
notification e-mails are sent approximately on the 5th of each month with installment payments due on
the 20
of the same month. Subsequent bills (approximately monthly) will indicate a minimum required
payment amount. Installment payments may be made by one of the payment options listed above.
CASHNet™ SmartPay does not assess an additional service charge for installment payments. See the
Installment Payment Plan contract for exact due dates.
I am participating in Late Registration. Can I still use the Basic Tuition and Fee Installment Plan?
When you sign up for the Installment Plan online, you will pay $885.00 to enroll in the plan. This
payment includes the $60.00 service charge, $25.00 late registration fee and $800.00 initial installment
payment. Subsequent payments may be made by any of the payment methods above. CASHNet™
SmartPay does not assess an additional service charge for installment payments.
Non- Resident (Out-of-State and Foreign) Tuition Installment Plan
A separate installment plan is available for the payment of nonresident (out-of-state and foreign) tuition.
Students who wish to pay their tuition in installments should log in to Student Account Services web site
on the main Student Account Services home page. Read the terms and conditions and related
information carefully. The Installment Plan is essentially a loan, and it is important that you understand
the terms of the contract. Complete all sections of the online form. Amounts due will be adjusted based
on the units in which you are actually enrolled in as of census.
An initial payment of $2376.00 (minimum 6 units of Non-Resident Tuition) is required upon signing up
for the Non-Resident Tuition Installment Plan.
Installment Plan applications are not accepted in person.
Service charges equal to 15% of each installment payment are assessed. Students can avoid the service
charges by paying their tuition in full prior to the first day of classes.
The due dates for the Non-resident Tuition Installment Plan for the Fall 2018 semester are:
Installments #’s
Statement Date
Due Date
Friday, October 5, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Monday, November 5, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
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Wednesday, December 05, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Fee Waivers
In some instances, student’s tuition and fees may be partially or fully paid by outside agencies or
CSU - Over 60 Fee Waiver Program
San Diego State University offers a fee waiver program for California residents 60 years of age and
older. Both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students may participate in the program. The program
waives the $55.00 admission application fee and most of the Basic Tuition and Fees. The student will be
responsible for paying a substantially reduced fee each semester in order to attend. Please contact
Student Account Services for the current fee amount. Participants must apply for admission during the
regular application filing period and be admitted under regular SDSU admission requirements.
Participants register for classes on a space-available basis after regularly matriculated students have
completed registration. For additional information, contact the Prospective Student Center at (619) 594-
CSU - Alan Pattee Scholarships
Children of deceased public law enforcement or fire suppression employees who were California
residents and who were killed in the course of law enforcement or fire suppression duties are not
charged the system-wide mandatory fees or tuition at any California State University campus, according
to the Alan Pattee Scholarship Act, California Education Code, Section 68121. Please be aware however
campus fees are not waived and payment of these fees are the responsibility of the student.
New students qualifying for these benefits need to contact the Prospective Student Center at (619) 594-
6336 and current students need to contact the Office of the Registrar at 619-594-6871 to determine
Third Party Billing/Approved Fee Waivers
If an outside agency (agency, government program, Employee Fee Waiver, etc.) is paying all or part of
your Basic Tuition and Fees, you will need to send your fee payment coupon from “My Registration"
and a copy of your authorization letter to Student Account Services. Failure to do so will result in your
fees being deducted from your financial aid award or the inability to register for classes. Students
submitting authorization to bill a third party for their fees will be held responsible for the payment if the
third party agency fails to pay the fees within the semester of attendance.
VA Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31)
Veterans receiving Vocational Rehabilitation benefits (Chapter 31) must contact the Campus Veterans
Affairs Office (Student Services West 1661) to obtain a payment authorization form to submit to the
Student Account Services office by their fee payment deadline.
VA Post 911 GI Bill Benefits
Veterans receiving Post 911 GI Bill benefits must contact the campus Veterans Affairs Office (Student
Services West 1661) and turn in an approved VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by their fee payment
deadline. Once submitted the VA Office will notify Student Accounts of your eligibility to register for
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Cal Vet Fee Waiver-Eligible Dependents of Deceased or Disabled Veterans
Eligible dependents receiving the Cal Vet fee waiver must submit an approved letter of eligibility issued
by the County VA for the current Academic Year to the campus Veterans Affairs office (Student
Services West 1661). This must be submitted by your fee payment deadline. Once submitted the VA
Office will notify Student Accounts of your eligibility to register for classes. Please note that the Cal Vet
Fee waiver will only waive the CSU system wide basic tuition fee; all other mandatory campus fees are
required to be paid by the student each semester.
Financial Aid Tuition and Fee Payment Postponement
The "My Registration" online service will tell you if you are eligible to postpone the payment of your Basic
Tuition and Fees. If eligible, postponing the payment of your registration fee will be automatic. Your Basic
Tuition and Fees will be deducted from the first disbursement of your financial aid at the beginning of the
You can also check your eligibility to postpone the payment of your fee by going to the Office of
Financial Aid and Scholarships Web site and selecting AidLink. All required financial aid documents
must be submitted to be able to determine your eligibility. If your financial aid award is reduced or
becomes unavailable for any reason, you must pay your fees in full by the census date.
If you are not eligible to postpone the payment of your fees, do not wait until your registration access
date to find out you cannot register.
Disbursement of Financial Aid and Scholarship Funds
All financial aid and scholarship payments are processed and disbursed by Student Account Services:
Notification and Schedule
Disbursement begins 10 days prior to the first day of classes of each semester and continues throughout
the semester as new awards are processed or changes to awards occur.
University Charges: San Diego State University policy is to apply financial aid and/or scholarship
funds directly to charges for the semester's tuition and fees, residence hall charges, and other
institutional expenses (including financial aid overpayments) before releasing funds to you. Past due
bills and other student account charges may delay the disbursement of funds until they are paid. Student
Account Services will send you an e-mail notice when your financial aid or scholarship funds are
deposited to your bank account.
Direct Deposit is normally run on the following schedule:
Mondays – For disbursement to bank account, by Thursday
Wednesdays – For disbursement to bank account, by the following Monday
Friday - For disbursement to bank account, by the following Wednesday
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Sign-up to get a text message when we have sent your disbursement to the bank on the Online Student
Account Services website.
Receiving Your Funds
Direct Deposit is the only way to receive your financial aid or scholarship refund (the amount after
institutional charges are deducted). Your refund may be deposited directly into your personal checking
or savings account at your bank.
Sign up online at the Student Account Services Web site.
{Please note that the bank does not disburse money into bank accounts on holidays.}
Parent Loans
Parents can authorize the university to disburse excess funds from their Parent Loan directly to the
student. Please see the Parent Loan request form for more details. When Parent PLUS Loan funds are
available, any outstanding university charges are deducted and the remaining funds mailed to the parent
or borrower or if the parent/borrower has authorized, the remaining funds will be deposited to the
student’s designated bank account. If mailed, Parent Loan checks are normally printed on the following
Mondays - Checks are mailed either Monday or Tuesday
Wednesdays – Checks are mailed either Wednesday or Thursday
Fridays Checks are mailed either Friday or Monday
View Disbursement Information
Student Account Services Online: For online payment, billing and account services, log on to Student
Account Services on the Student Account Services Web site. View your "transaction history" to see how
your funds were disbursed and applied towards your university charges.
Before funds can be disbursed, you must be enrolled at least half time and you must resolve any financial
aid and student account holds affecting your aid. For some types of aid, you may need to complete
additional information before disbursement of funds.
o Cal Grant B Access Grant - A student may request that their Cal Grant B Access Grant be
disbursed directly to them. This request can be made at any time; however, if the grant has
already been disbursed, the request would affect only future payments. The request may be made
in person to Student Account Services.
Federal Work-Study paychecks are disbursed monthly based on hours worked the previous
month as submitted on a timesheet to your supervisor. A pay date schedule is available:
from the Center for Human Resources - Student Payroll
from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
from your employer
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Refunds of Non Financial Aid Funds
If you are due a refund for either withdrawing from the university by the withdrawal deadline or
dropping units by the schedule adjustment deadline you will receive your refund in the following form:
Tuition and Fees paid using Checks, Money Orders, Certified Funds, Cash or Debit Cards, will
receive the refund in the form of a SDSU check. All refund checks are mailed to the address on file with
the Office of the Registrar. Make sure that your address is updated on your SDSU Webportal to ensure
timely delivery of your refund.
Tuition and Fees paid online using our electronic Check /Savings accounts (ACH) process, will
receive an electronic refund to the account used to make the payment.
Tuition and Fees paid online using Credit Cards (CashNetSmartPay), will receive an electronic
refund back to the credit card used to make the payment.
Tuition and fees paid by a 3
party, (e.g. employer, government or military, foreign agency, etc.),
payments will be refunded back to the 3
party according to the regulations as stated in Section 41802
of Title 5 in the California Code of Regulations and following the Return to Title IV calculations.
Information concerning any aspect of the refund of fees may be obtained from Student Account
Refunds may be applied against other amounts due to the university.
Refund Policy
Regulations governing the refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, are included in
Section 41802 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. For purposes of the refund policy, mandatory
fees are defined as those system-wide fees and campus fees that are required to be paid in order to enroll
in state-supported academic programs at the California State University.
Return to Title IV
When a student who has received Title IV financial aid withdraws or otherwise fails to complete a period
of enrollment for which he or she was charged, the institution is required to determine if a refund must be
made to the student or if unearned aid must be returned to the federal accounts.
Calculations will be based on the withdrawal date and the percentage of the period of enrollment
completed. If Title IV funds have been disbursed during the enrollment period, aid will first be re-
turned by the institution to the programs in the order listed below as required by law and determined by
the university. If funds have been disbursed directly to the student, he or she may be required to repay
any unearned aid. In some cases where eligibility for aid exceeds the amount disbursed, the regulations
allow for a post-withdrawal disbursement, the university will notify you of the process required to
receive the funds.
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Title IV Financial Aid consists of the following programs:
Unsubsidized William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
Subsidized William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
William D. Ford Federal Direct PLUS Loan
Federal Pell Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal Teach Grant
Full refund
To receive a full refund of Basic Tuition and Fees, Nonresident Tuition and Professional Program fee,
you must officially withdraw, or otherwise cancel your registration prior to the first day of instruction
for the term. A refund administrative fee of $21.00 will be withheld. Students are not required to file a
refund application.
Please note: if you do not complete the official withdrawal process, and only drop your classes
online, your refund will not be processed until after the census date.
Students will also receive a full refund of mandatory fees under the following circumstances:
The tuition and fees were assessed or collected in error.
The course for which the tuition and fees were assessed or collected was cancelled by the
The University makes a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for
which the fees were assessed and collected and the delayed decision was not due to incomplete or
inaccurate information provided by the student.
The student was activated for compulsory military service.
Tuition and Fees Prorated Refund Schedule (see schedules below)
Starting with the first day of instruction, refunds for complete withdrawal or cancellation of registration
will be prorated based on the date of withdrawal and the percentage of the period of enrollment
completed. A refund administrative fee of $21.00 will be withheld. It is not necessary to file an
application for refund.
Prorated refunds will be processed for a student’s complete withdrawal up to the 60 percent point of the
term. A student who withdraws from the university after the 60 percent point in the academic period, or
fails to officially withdraw from the campus shall not be entitled to any refund of Basic Tuition and
Fees. After the drop/add deadline of the semester, schedule adjustments are only permitted for extremely
serious, documented cases involving health or accident.
Fall 2018 Tuition and Fees Prorated Refund Schedule
Withdrawal Date
Days Attended
Percent Refunded
8/27/2018 1 99.130%
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8/28/2018 2 98.261%
8/29/2018 3 97.391%
8/30/2018 4 96.522%
8/31/2018 5 95.652%
9/1/2018 6 94.783%
9/2/2018 7 93.913%
9/3/2018 8 93.043%
9/4/2018 9 92.174%
9/5/2018 10 91.304%
9/6/2018 11 90.435%
9/7/2018 12 89.565%
9/8/2018 13 88.696%
9/9/2018 14 87.826%
9/10/2018 15 86.957%
9/11/2018 16 86.087%
9/12/2018 17 85.217%
9/13/2018 18 84.348%
9/14/2018 19 83.478%
9/15/2018 20 82.609%
9/16/2018 21 81.739%
9/17/2018 22 80.870%
9/18/2018 23 80.000%
9/19/2018 24 79.130%
9/20/2018 25 78.261%
9/21/2018 26 77.391%
9/22/2018 27 76.522%
9/23/2018 28 75.652%
9/24/2018 29 74.783%
9/25/2018 30 73.913%
9/26/2018 31 73.043%
9/27/2018 32 72.174%
9/28/2018 33 71.304%
9/29/2018 34 70.435%
9/30/2018 35 69.565%
10/1/2018 36 68.696%
10/2/2018 37 67.826%
10/3/2018 38 66.957%
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10/4/2018 39 66.087%
10/5/2018 40 65.217%
10/6/2018 41 64.348%
10/7/2018 42 63.478%
10/8/2018 43 62.609%
10/9/2018 44 61.739%
10/10/2018 45 60.870%
10/11/2018 46 60.000%
10/12/2018 47 59.130%
10/13/2018 48 58.261%
10/14/2018 49 57.391%
10/15/2018 50 56.522%
10/16/2018 51 55.652%
10/17/2018 52 54.783%
10/18/2018 53 53.913%
10/19/2018 54 53.043%
10/20/2018 55 52.174%
10/21/2018 56 51.304%
10/22/2018 57 50.435%
10/23/2018 58 49.565%
10/24/2018 59 48.696%
10/25/2018 60 47.826%
10/26/2018 61 46.957%
10/27/2018 62 46.087%
10/28/2018 63 45.217%
10/29/2018 64 44.348%
10/30/2018 65 43.478%
10/31/2018 66 42.609%
11/1/2018 67 41.739%
11/2/2018 68 40.870%
11/3/2018 69 40.000%
*No refund after this date.
Fall 2018 Student Parking Fee Refund Schedule
Parking Fee Refund information is available on the Parking Services website under the Permit link.
Appeal Process – Petition for Special Consideration
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An appeals process exists for students who feel that individual circumstances warrant exceptions from
published policy. Students should file a “Petition for Special Consideration” obtainable at Student
Account Services. Petitions must be filed with Student Account Services prior to the end of the twelfth
week of classes.
Petitions outside the scope of published policy in accordance with the deadlines stated in the Class
Schedule, Catalog, and registration material are approved only when applicants can demonstrated
exceptional circumstances and the chief financial officer or designee determines that the university did
not earn Basic Tuition and Fees.
The following situations are typical of those for which “exceptional circumstances” is an appropriate
justification for reviewing accounts:
1. Unexpected Medical Situation: verifiable accident, illness, or personal problems serious enough
to cause withdrawal from the University.
2. Schedule adjustments based on department recommendation.
3. Death in the immediate family.
4. Other unusual or very special cases, considered on a case-by-case basis.
The following situations would not fall under “exceptional circumstances”:
1. Grade anticipated in class is not sufficiently high, or the student is failing.
2. Dissatisfaction with course material, instructional method, and/or professor.
3. Class is harder than expected.
4. Pressure of other classes, participation in social activities, or lack of motivation.
5. Inability to pay.
6. Work conflict.
The petition is intended for students who dropped classes outside of the dates listed on the refund
schedule or failed to make proper payment resulting in subsequent mandatory fees but feel they have an
exceptional circumstance which prevented them from meeting their obligation.