ULTIPLE CHOICEChoose the correct answer.
1. Before making any adjustments (changes) to the ripping fence on the table saw you should __________.
A. make sure the blade is stopped
B. have the instructor check the set-up
C. have the table saw running
D. have the saw blade under the guard or below the table surface
2. The wood removed (cut) by the blade is called the ______________________.
A. cut
B. kerf
C. rip
D. cross-cut
3. When using the table saw where should you stand?
A. in front but to one side out of the blade’s path
B. in front but leaning over the table with your knee’s bent but with your back straight
C. on the right or left side and using push sticks
D. 3 feet away on either side
4. Th
e blade on the table saw should not be set more than _________ inches above the wood being cut.
A. ¼
B. ½
C. ¾
D. 1 or 2
5. T
he waste part of the board being cut should be:
A. on the back side of the ripping fence
B. on the inside of the blade next to the ripping fence
C. nearest to the operator
D. on the outside of the blade (left-hand side)
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
6. B
oards can not be cut without using the ripping fence or a miter gauge.
7. A
fter a board is cut, it is okay to reach across the table saw to pick up the board.
8. In
this class, you may cross-cut a board using the table saw.
9. E
ven though the table saw has a blade guard in place it is NEVER completely safe to use.
10. T
he purpose of the “splitter” is to guide the board as it exits the blade.
Compliant: May 2022
ULTIPLE CHOICEChoose the correct answer.
1. In this class, the radial arm saw uses a _____ type of blade.
A. combination
B. cross-cut
C. ripping
D. plywood-cutting
2. In this class, the following cuts are allowed (okay) to be made with the radial arm saw:
A. cross-cut and rip
B. cross-cut and squaring
C. cross-cut and miter
D. miter and rip
3. After each cut on the radial arm saw you should?
A. stop the saw
B. check adjustments (set up)
C. return the saw to the back of the table
D. use a brush to clear table of wood scraps
4. O
n the radial arm saw, when exact or repetitive (over and over) cuts need to be made, a ______________ is used.
A. framing square and clamp
B. stop-block and clamp
C. miter gauge and clamp
D. vee-block and clamp
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
5. T
he safety margin for your hands when using the radial arm saw is 6 inches away from the blade.
6. Bo
ards being cut must be held firmly on the table and against the saw’s fence.
7. I
t is okay to leave the saw running after you are finished cutting, if someone else is going to use it next.
8. T
he radial arm saw’s table surface should be kept clean of sawdust and scrap pieces of wood.
9. Y
our left hand usually holds the board being cut and your right hand pulls the saw across the board.
10. I
n this class, ripping cuts may be done on the radial arm saw if the saw fence is used.
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
1. The panel saw is used to cut sheets of plywood or other wooden sheet materials.
2. W
hen you have completed (finished) a cut, lock the saw down near the bottom of the ‘slides’ and remove the wood.
3. A
djust (set) the saw blade to line up with a pencil mark you have measured?
4. Two students should lift a sheet of plywood onto the saw.
5. O
nly place your hand on the saw’striggerwhen you are ready to make a cut.
6. W
hen using the panel saw, slide the saw through the plywood at a quick pace (speed).
7. With the proper setup, the panel saw can rip plywood lengthwise (long side).
8. A
fter you’ve finished making a cut, raise the saw, to the top of the slides - - while the saw-blade is coastingto a stop.
9. T
he panel saw is designed to accurately (properly) cut on the left sideof the blade.
10. A
helper should hold the plywood while it is being cut.
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
1. W
hen starting the stroke sander, turn the switch to the reverse direction.
2. Se
t the board on the sander’s table so that the sanding belt will run with the grain.
3. Y
ou may raise (up) or lower (down) the sander’s table when the sanding belt is moving.
4. P
lywood should be sanded on the stroke sander.
5. T
he stroke sander sands the board’s surface opposite (other side) the sander’s table.
6. Y
ou may move the sanding platen with (left to right) or against (in and out) to the grain of the board.
7. T
he stroke sander is best suited for delicate (gentle) stock (wood) removal/sanding.
8. D
o not stop or hesitate (pause) when moving the sanding table or sanding platen.
9. B
ecause the table is 8 feet long, 2 or 3 students can use the sander at the same time.
10. Adjust (set) the sanding table so the sanding beltis no more than 2 inches away from the board.
ULTIPLE CHOICEChoose the correct answer.
*The words ‘plane’ and ‘surface’ are both used to mean a cutting pass through the planer.
1. T
he maximum amount (cut) to be removed on the planer at one time is:
A. ½
B. ¼
C. 1/16
D. 1/8
2. W
ood run through the planer should be at least _____ inches long.
A. 12
B. 18
C. 8
D. 20
3. W
hen feeding a board in to the planer, you must be careful so your hands:
A. are as close to the planer’s throat as possible to allow a smooth pass.
B. always touch the board while guidingit into the machine.
C. never touch a board with large splinters unless you’re wearing leather gloves.
D. do not get pinched between planer’s throat and the board.
4. L
umber that is to be surfaced (planed) should be:
A. new lumber, clean and free from dirt or gravel
B. free of nails and staples
C. free of loose knots, paint or varnish
D. all of the above are correct
E. answers A C are wrong
5. I
t is important NOT to have loose clothing when operating the planer because:
A. baggy clothes can cause slivers
B. clothing could be pulled into the machine
C. your clothes may get dirty or stained
D. none of the above are correct
E. Only A C are correct
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
6. Make sure the board to be surfaced (planed) has one flat surface.
7. T
o make sure the planer is working properly, always stoop-down (bend over) and watch the board while its bei
urfaced (planed).
8. T
he planer can surface (plane) boards up to 20” wide.
9. I
t may seem like a good idea recycle wood by re-surfacing painted, varnished or used wood but it is not allowed i
10. Al
ways stand to the ‘side’ of the planer’s throat, never directly in front of the board.
MULTIPLE CHOICEChoose the correct answer.
1. The miter saw can cut wood at which angle(s)?
A. 90 degrees
B. 45 degrees
C. 37 degrees
D. All of the above
E. answers A C are wrong
2. You cannot cut wood less than _____ inches long.
A. 10
B. 4
C. 1
D. 8
3. To make a smooth cut with the miter saw, push the blade into the wood at a _____ speed.
A. fast
B. slow
C. moderate
D. heavier
4. Hold wood on the _____ side of the saw blade.
A. front
B. back
C. right
D. left
TRUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
5. Can wooden dowels (broom handles) be cut on the miter saw?
6. If you are careful you can hold boards with your right hand while lowering the saw with your left hand.
7. Place your hand on the saw’s trigger only when you are ready to cut.
8. Hold the board being cut securely (tightly) against the miter saw’s fence.
9. Get the teacher’s help to cut long boards, ones that hang off the saw table by several feet.
10. You do not have to get teacher permission (okay) to use the miter saw if you have asked once already that day.
MULTIPLE CHOICEChoose the correct answer.
1. The jointer must not be set for cuts heavier (deeper) than ______ inches.
A. 1/8
B. ½
C. 1/16
D. 1/32
2. The jointer must not be used on wood less than _____ inches long.
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. 18
3. You cannot joint wood that is less than _____ inches wide (thick).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
4. If you were to let go of the board, in the middle of jointing it, what would happen? ____________
TRUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
5. Never joint end grain or plywood.
6. The guard must be kept over the jointer knives at all times.
7. Use a push stick on boards that are shorter than the jointer fence.
8. You must change the pressure (force) on the boards from “front” to “back” when jointing.
9. Always stand directly behind the jointer while using it.
10. Keep your fingers on the top edge of a board when you’re jointing it.
RUE OR FALSERead each statement completely, and then decide if it is true or false.
1. Since both the air nailer/stapler have a safety mechanism (device)…you can point them at students?
2. Y
ou should test an air nailer/stapler by first driving a fastener (nail) into the workbench?
3. Onl
y the teacher will oil or load the air tools with new fasteners (nails).
4. To save time, you should remove or “wire-up” the safety on an air nailer/stapler.
5. A
lways keep in mind where your fingers are and how long the fastener (nail) is before you pull the trigger on an air
6. T
o prevent (stop) splitting or cracking the wood, nail about 1 inch away from the edge of a board.
7. The air nailer/stapler’s safety is designed to automatically sense skin or a finger causing it not to fire?
8. O
nly use nails or staples to fasten a wooden joint, no wood glue is needed.
9. C
lamps are optional (not needed) when assembling (building) a project using an air nailer/stapler.
10. To be on time to your next class… you should NOT glue and nail a project just before clean-up?